Message of Reassurance and Guidance (February 3, 2025)


Dear Colleagues,

There continue to be significant shifts in policies and laws that are impacting our country and some members of our campus community in very deep personal and professional ways. I want to assure you that the campus leadership team is actively monitoring both current and upcoming federal actions. We are fully committed to positioning our campus to ensure the continuity of our community and work while steadfastly upholding the values that define UM-Dearborn.

As shared earlier, we’ve launched a website with the most up-to-date information regarding federal changes that could impact our campus. You can find the latest updates regarding federal orders, policies, and regulations on the External Relations site under Key Messages. The UM-Ann Arbor Office of Research has also established a helpful website to track federal changes with soon-to-be-posted guidance for DEI-related research.

I also want to directly address concerns about immigration enforcement activity, which was referenced in previous email communications. Please know that we are deeply committed to doing everything possible to keep our students and the entire campus community safe in accordance with the law.

We recently added content related to Immigration and Customs Enforcement visits to campus and carrying legal documents, such as passports and green cards. This information can be found under the “undocumented individuals” area of the site above.  

I am working in close coordination with our colleagues from the  Ann Arbor and Flint campuses. I, along with President Ono, and other executive officers are meeting daily to assess the evolving situation, evaluate any potential impact of federal policy changes on campus, and determine the best course of action. For the purposes of compliance with the executive orders and other agency policy decisions, the three campuses and Michigan Medicine will be considered one entity.

Should federal agencies contact you with requests that seem questionable or uncomfortable, please reach out to the office of the provost, chief financial officer, or me. 

Our highest priorities are your safety and the integrity of our mission. We are fully committed to working within all aspects of the law and navigating any challenges that arise together. I will continue to provide updates to the campus community as needed. 

Domenico Grasso

Office of the Chancellor

1070 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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Phone: 313-593-5500
Fax: 313-593-5204