We pride ourselves on having highly interdisciplinary teams that work collaboratively to solve challenges in sustainability, mobility, educational research and curriculum innovation, additive manufacturing and materials, social equity, cyber-physical systems, bioengineering, 21st century energy systems, urban arts and other fields that are vital to our lives. We also believe that everyone has a role to play in research, whether you’re an undergrad or post-doc, early-career faculty or renowned veteran.



Research targets billion-dollar problem of counterfeit electronic components

With a new NSF-funded project, Professor Hafiz Malik and Associate Professor Alireza Mohammadi are creating a novel digital fingerprinting system to solve a massive safety challenge in the transportation sector.

The mysterious impacts of head trauma on the blood-brain barrier

With a new NIH-funded project, Associate Professor Dr. Zhi “Elena” Zhang and Assistant Professor Jie Fan are going deep within the brain to learn how head injuries impact one of our body’s most vital systems.

Could we make food processing ‘smarter’?

UM-Dearborn professors are teaming up with Michigan State University to take the human guesswork out of modern food processing.

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UM-Dearborn’s talented staff can help researchers with funding, grant writing, post-award compliance — or with finding a faculty mentor or industry partner. Check out some of the most commonly used resources below.

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