Steve Underwood, director of research for the Connected Vehicle Proving Center (CVPC) inside the IAVS Building, collaborated with Randy Motyka, electrical engineering lead for the CVPC; Udi Naamani, director and general manager of the CVPC; and Paul Richardson, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, on a $249,982 award from the U.S. Army/TARDEC to conduct a forecast study of autonomous drive connected vehicle technologies.
Taehyung Kim, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, collaborated with Dohoy Jung, assistant professor of mechanical engineering; Cheol Lee, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering; Chris Mi, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering; Yi Lu Murphey, professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Jie Shen, associate professor of computer and information sciences; and Roger Schultz, director of the Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems, on a $199,292 Major Research Instrumentation grant from the National Science Foundation to provide instruments for the research of control and diagnosis of plug in hybrid electric vehicles.
Natural Sciences faculty members Krisanu Bandyopadhyay, associate professor of chemistry; Anne Danielson-Francois, assistant professor of biology; Vaman Naik, professor of physics and chair of the Department of Natural Sciences; and Michael Twiner, assistant professor of biology, collaborated on a $94,821 grant from the National Science Foundation for the purchase of a Zeta Potential and Submicron Particle Size Analyzer.
Zhiwei Xu, assistant professor of computer and information science, received $30,105 from the Rhynix Corporation to improve software testing for Rhynix engineers.