This article was originally published on October 7, 2020.
There’s confusion about the status of COVID-19-related executive orders throughout the state after the recent Michigan Supreme Court rulings regarding Gov. Whitmer’s emergency powers.
As a campus community, it’s important to reaffirm and clarify UM-Dearborn’s commitment in protecting one another and taking precautions for students, faculty and staff to stay safe and healthy during this global pandemic. Since March, the university has made decisions regarding campus’ response to COVID-19 based on the best science and public health-informed guidelines and will continue to do so.
UM-Dearborn adheres to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) Executive Order issued on Oct. 5, 2020.

The following health and safety guidelines remain in place on the UM-Dearborn campus:
- Limited Density - UM-Dearborn will continue to limit the density of people on campus, with only those required coming to campus for classes or work.
- Daily Health Screening - Before coming to campus everyone must complete the ResponsiBLUE daily health screening and follow the provided prompts.
- Face Coverings Required - Face coverings that cover the mouth and nose are required on campus at all times. This includes both when inside campus buildings and when outdoors. The university has developed procedures for responding to students, faculty and staff who fail to follow the face-covering policy.
- Building Screening - Academic buildings where classes and research activities are happening are accessible via a screening process. These buildings are locked and have a designated entry point. At the entry point, a screening station greeter verifies that visitors have been pre-approved for entry, have received a ‘green screen’ approval from ResponsiBLUE and have a standard temperature.
- Social Distance - While on campus, everyone must stay at least six feet from other people at all times, including while in classrooms and labs. In addition, avoid crowded places and mass gatherings.
- Wash your Hands - Handwashing is encouraged with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as much as possible throughout the day. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer stations have been placed throughout campus.
- Signage - The university has placed signage throughout campus providing guidance, helpful tips and reminders on how to stay safe. Be sure to follow the directions as displayed.
UM-Dearborn’s leadership will continue to monitor COVID-19 throughout southeast Michigan and follow any changes to the guidance from public health professionals. The university will adjust health and safety guidelines as required to prioritize the well-being of students, faculty and staff.
For more information on the university’s response to COVID-19 visit the website.