New policy focuses on maintaining campus safety

October 10, 2022

U-M has developed a new process to identify, notify, train and track employees who have responsibility under federal regulations to report certain crimes to the university.

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Employees identified as campus security authorities (CSAs)  are required to report information about crimes to the university.

This is an obligation under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Act. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose crime statistics and security information to the public.

A new U-M policy — Standard Practice Guide 601.91, Clery Act Compliance — outlines the expectations of the U-M Division of Public Safety and Security and CSAs under the Clery Act. It applies to the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses.

“The new policy increases awareness of the important role DPSS and CSAs have in maintaining campus safety and security,” said Eddie Washington, executive director of DPSS. “While employees identified as campus security authorities have an obligation to share information with campus police under the Clery Act, all members of the U-M community are encouraged to report any information about crime.”

DPSS/UM-Dearborn DPS  shares crime statistics publicly in an annual security report each October. The types of crimes covered include sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, theft and aggravated assault.

UM-Dearborn DPS conducted a Campus Security Authority identification project, which identified all CSAs for the campus.  All CSAs have been notified of their roles and responsibilities to train and report. Collaboration with DPSS/UM- Ann Arbor is underway in establishing the new robust process to continue to identify, notify, train and track employees.   

As noted under the policy, CSAs are required to complete annual training to help them understand their role and how to report information on crime to the university. The training is available through My LINC and needs to be completed annually.

Training for the CSAs was made available this summer. If there are employees who have not completed the training, UM-Dearborn Clery Compliance Coordinator Celia Robinson will work with the appropriate dean, director or department head to ensure compliance.

CSAs include:

  • All DPSS/UM-Dearborn DPS personnel
  • Other individuals who have responsibility for campus security, but who do not work for DPSS/UM-Dearborn DPS (including contracted security providers)
  • Officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities outside of the classroom, such as all deans, department chairs, directors, coaches, advisers to sponsored student organizations and anyone involved with children on campus. Faculty with no other leadership obligations generally are not CSAs

The new SPG policy was developed with input from the Clery Compliance Workgroup, including DPSS, the Office of the General Counsel and national experts on Clery Act compliance.

Note: CSAs are different than IROs.

CSAs differ from individuals with reporting obligations, known as IROs, who also have a responsibility under the U-M Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy to report information about certain crimes to the university.

IROs are required to share information with the Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX office about alleged prohibited conduct under U-M policies, and include university administrators and supervisors and employees in certain designated positions and units or departments. Wondering if you are an IRO? Check out this chart.