Kudos: Adler, Byrd, Cengiz-Phillips, Killu, DeFauw, Everett, Otto

March 20, 2013


Martha A. Adler, associate professor of reading and language arts, presented a webinar titled "Planning and Implementing Effective Professional Development" for the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Center in February.

Sara Byrd, assistant professor of special education, and Kim Killu, associate professor of special education, presented a paper at the 27th annual conference of the Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan in February discussing the issue of applied behavioral analysis and academic instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. The paper is focused on research-based instructional strategies designed to engage learners with emotional/behavioral disorders in order to promote academic learning and success.

Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips’ article, “Facilitating productive discussions,” was published in the March issue of the journal Teaching Children Mathematics. The article discusses capitalizing on student thinking to create opportunities to further their mathematical reasoning. Cengiz-Phillips is assistant professor of mathematics education.

Danielle DeFauw, assistant professor of reading and language arts, presented a paper at the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly of Research Conference in February. Her presentation examined the impact of art lessons on writing development among 4-5-year-old students.

Susan Everett, associate professor of science education, Charlotte Otto, professor of chemistry, and Suria Beydoun (a former student of Everett and Otto) presented a paper at the Association for Science Teacher Educators International Conference in January, discussing the investigation of middle level science teacher certification tests.