In an email to the campus community on May 9, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Kate Davy noted that Hershock has earned the respect of his colleagues for his steady, effective leadership as chair of the social sciences department.
"Strong, positive evaluations of his performance by members of his department are a testament to Marty's abilities as an administrator," Davy said in her campus message. "As a teacher, his reputation as an engaged and engaging educator was formally recognized in 2003 by the University of Michigan-Dearborn's Distinguished Teaching Award."
Hershock currently has two books under contract with Routledge and the University of Michigan Press, respectively. His research has been recognized by the Historical Society of Michigan Award of Merit for his first book in 2004, and by a Historical Society of Michigan State History Award for his second book in 2006.
A 1985 CASL alumnus, Hershock was a featured faculty speaker for the campus's 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2009, where he spoke from his heart about what the University of Michigan-Dearborn means to him as an educator and alumnus. Hershock earned his Ph.D at U-M Ann Arbor.