Professor Hafiz Malik’s research was showcased to begin the May 16 meeting. He has created a system to detect and analyze deep fakes. Deep fakes have exploded across the internet, some are harmless fun, however others have real consequences on important issues like elections, especially important, as this is a presidential election year.
Chancellor Domenico Grasso provided the following university updates
Renaming of the Engineering Lab Building in honor of Tony England
- News of the campus’s first Department of Agriculture research grant for food processing
The following personnel appointments were approved.
Reappointments of regular instructional staff and selected academic and administrative staff
- Marie P. Waung, associate dean, CASL, effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 (also professor of psychology, with tenure)
Joint or additional appointments or transfers of regular associate or full professors and selected academic and administrative staff
- Maureen Linker, associate provost, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, effective April 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027 (also professor of philosophy, with tenure, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters)
Reappointment of an academic administrative appointment
- Brahim Medjahed, Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Initiatives, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
Promotion and tenure appointments
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
- Imran Aijaz, professor of philosophy, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts
- Christopher J. Alteri, associate professor of biological sciences, Department of Natural Sciences
- David K. Chatkoff, professor of psychology with tenure, Department of Behavioral Sciences
- Wessam Elmeligi, associate professor of arabic studies with tenure, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts
- Antonios M. Koumpias, associate professor of economics with tenure, Department of Social Sciences
- Michelle T. Leonard, professor of psychology with tenure, Department of Behavioral Sciences
- Margaret A. Murray, associate professor of communications with tenure, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts
- Diana Y. Ng, professor of art history with tenure, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts
- Velimir Stojkovski, associate professor of philosophy with tenure, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts
- Jin Wang professor of physics, with tenure - professor of physics, Department of Natural Sciences
College of Business
- Wayne Fu, associate professor of management studies with tenure, Department of Management Studies
- David L. Kaufman, associate professor of business management with tenure, Department of Management Studies
College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Shan Bao, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering with tenure, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Lei Chen, associate professor of mechanical engineering with tenure, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Birhanu Eshete, associate professor of computer and information science with tenure, Department of Computer and Information Science
- Ruijia Feng, associate professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering with tenure, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Junho Hong, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering with tenure, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Cheol Won Lee, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering with tenure, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Alireza Mohammadi, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering with tenure, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New appointments of instructional staff represented by the Lecturers’ Employee Organization
- Nikki Roulo, lecturer I in Language, Culture, and the Arts, CASL, February 19 – April 30, 2024.
Correction to previous appointment
- Timothy E. Williams, lecturer I in management studies, COB, August 28, 2023, previously reported as September 1, 2023.
Retirement memoir
- Marilee A. Benore, professor of biology and biochemistry in the Department of Natural Sciences, CASL, retired from active faculty status on April 30, 2024. The Regents named Marilee A. Benore, professor emerita of biology and biochemistry.
View the Board of Regents’ meeting agenda.