M-Dearborn honored more than 120 staff members this summer during the annual Chancellor's Staff Recognition Awards ceremony. The ceremony recognizes staff members for the significant contributions they make toward the university's mission.
Provost Catherine A. Davy greeted nearly 200 staff members and guests — an attendance record — at the awards, which took place Wednesday, June 5, in Fairlane Center.
“Congratulations to all of you. Our staff is dedicated. The people celebrating milestone anniversaries have a combined 1745 years of service to the university,” Davy shared in her welcoming remarks. “And for the five awards given today, there were 40 nominations. That’s a testament to the esteem in which you hold each other.”
In addition to Davy’s remarks, Early Education Associate Professor LaShorage Shaffer spoke on behalf of the Early Childhood Education Center, the community impact partner highlighted during the event.
To further highlight great work done around the university, five awards were presented during the ceremony: Exceptional Service, Exceptional Performance, Exceptional Team Award, Exceptional Long-term Achievement and Outstanding Services to the Metropolitan Community and University.
Award recipients were nominated by faculty, staff and students. The Chancellor’s Staff Recognition Awards committee, co-chaired by Helene Boldarini, Amanda Hill and Jonathan Larson, selected the winners.
2019 Award Winners

Exceptional Service Award winner: Stacy Eglinton, account lead in Financial Services
Stacy received several nominations from a variety of departments in two different categories. To quote some excerpts from her nominations:
- Stacy always does a great job balancing service and education with all her customer groups.
- Stacy is always willing to help staff, faculty and if needed, students. She's built a positive rapport with all departments across campus.
- Stacy really wants to see the campus as a whole succeed.

Exceptional Performance Award winner:
Sue Flannery, administrative specialist in the Mardigian Library
Here is an excerpt from Sue’s nomination:
Susan Flannery has been an absolutely exceptional Administrative Specialist (and the only administrative specialist for a staff of 22). With Sue's help, the library has expanded research and writing opportunities for faculty and increased the number of events for students in the gallery.

Exceptional Team Award winner:
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Team members include senior staff Bernadette Trisko, Sara Byczek, Vivian Stovall, Vivian Saroki-Keller, Lusine Hambardzumyan, Jimmy Vuang and Judy Walker, and externs Carmen Cochran, Ellen Hard, Jessica Ryder, Joseph Mitchell, Scott Tomey and Shelby Flanagan.
Here’s an excerpt from the team’s nomination:
The staff has been able to counsel students with severe mental health issues, including suicidal ideation, self-injurious behaviors, depression, personality disorders, and much more. Those initiatives have helped provide more resources for students on campus - outside of individual counseling - and in the community so that students have access to services.

Long-term Service Award winner: Renee Mainor, senior human resources consultant
Here is an excerpt from Renee’s nomination:
In the most recent ‘call to action’ from Chancellor Grasso, the core values for our campus included the ability to create and sustain a culture of respect, inclusion and diversity. No one is better poised to model this behavior for our campus than Renee Mainor. She exemplifies respect for every single person who walks in the door and makes everyone feel welcome when they arrive at our office. She has established a reputation for herself that sets her apart from others, making her extraordinarily kind and a positive energy to be around all the time.

Outstanding Service to the Metropolitan Community and University Award winner: Rick Simek, program supervisor for the Environmental Interpretive Center’s Natural Areas
Here is an excerpt from Rick’s nomination:
Richard develops and oversees the educational interpretive programs for area schools. 12,000-15,000 school children visit the EIC annually. This is often their first experience with the university, and many come back as students. He holds regular Stewardship Saturdays to involve local residents, community groups and businesses such as Ford Motor and local scout troops to help with projects such as maintaining trails, developing boardwalks, and removing invasive species. He also manages the community organic garden which is available to the public.
Milestone anniversaries

The Class of 2014, celebrating 5 years of service includes
Larry Arpi, Matthew Beaudry, Jason Bolton, Danielle Carardese, Rex Chang, Elizabeth Clark, Lisa Copeland, Meg Daniels, Randy Dillard, Chelsea Doyle, Susan Estep, Dana Fennessey, Christina Frendo, Rachael Gibbs, Eva Gogola, Kevin Headrick, John Howes, Charlene Hughes, Marvelena James, Bradley Jones, Alyssa Kata, Natalie Kuhn, Taylor Langley, Dragan Lazin, Nina Loveberry, Molly Manley, Daniel Merian, Danielle Muelenbein, Lanie Offman, Ryan Rafko, David Reynolds, Becky Richardson, Kristen Sanchez, Jason Sands, Shayna Sell, Ann Serra, Brittnie Smith, Jesse Stanghini, Eric Stark, Thomas Stockwell, Timothy Streasick, Paquenia Suggs, Sarah Tuxbury, Jerry Van Couwenberghe, Robert Ward, Nikki Wasilius, Tuere Wheeler and Cynthia Williams.

The Class of 2009, celebrating 10 years of service includes
Deidra Berry, Maria Cheatham, Sarah Dorchak, Bill Fluharty, Benjamin Goraj, Shirley Greene, Tracy Hall, Emily Hamilton, Ian Hawkins, Christina Hu, Ellen Judge-Gonzalez, Christine Kelly-Williams, Jonathan Larson, Michael Ogozaly, Cameron Parkins, Lee Savage, Kelly Schester, Catherine Stone and Steve Williams.

The Class of 2004, celebrating 15 years of service includes
Bryan Earl, Jeff Evans, Amy Finley, Tamarah Hawkins, Jeremie McCoy,
Patricia Raredon, James Shearer and Wren Yarber.

The Class of 1999, celebrating 20 years of service includes:
Sherry Boyd, Andretta Bozeman, Tammy Casey, John Cristiano,
Karen Cunningham, Stacy Eglinton, Susan Flannery, Sherie Modelski, Michael Perrin, Britta Roan and Karen Stone.

The Class of 1994, celebrating 25 years of services includes
Scott Alexander, Sherri Frost, Sabrina Guyton, Patricia Jones, Eric Kirk, Vanessa Maxwell, Leigh McGrath, Kathleen Milligan, Richard Simek, Emily Wang and Elizabeth Woodson.

The Class of 1989, celebrating 30 years of service includes
Joanne Bond, Linda Burt, Julie Dunckel, Mark Hostetter, Randy Meyer, Jody Pear and Stephen Sersen.

The Class of 1984, celebrating 35 years of service includes
Sandra Beck, Marlene Dupre, Geoffrey Hosker, Harry Johnson, Renee Mainor and Melisa Wilson.

The Class of 1979, celebrating 40 years of service includes
Linda Grimm and Patricia Schlaff.

The Class of 1974, celebrating 45 years of service includes
John Kaszewski, Carolyn Kraus and Linda McLachlan.