Anna Muller, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
History, Women's & Gender StudiesResearch Areas:
Eugenics, Holocaust, Women and Gender Studies, World War IIBiography and Education
Dr. Muller is a Professor of History at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. From 2010-13, she worked for the Museum of the Second World War (in Gdansk) as a curator responsible for the sections on concentration camps, the Holocaust, and eugenics. Her book on the life of women in prison cells in post-war Poland, titled If the Walls Could Speak, will appear in 2017 with Oxford University Press.
Ph.D., History, Indiana University, 2010
M.A and B.A., Department of History, University of Gdansk, Poland, 1999
Selected Publications
An Ordinary Life? The Journeys of Tonia Lechtman, 1918-1996 (Ohio University Press, 2022)
Przetrwać. Żyć Dalej. Rozmowy z więźniarkami z Europy Środkowej 1945-1956 (Warsaw: Instytut Badań Literackich, PAN, 2022)
If the Walls Could Speak. Inside a Women's Prison in Communist Poland (Oxford University Press, November 2018)
“Writing Władysław Gomułka’s Life: Historiography of Władysław Gomułka’s Biographies,” East European Politics & Societies and Cultures, online version was published in Fall 2021.
Co-authored with Marta Cieslak, “Husbands Who Do Not Beat,” or on Gender and Sexuality in Polish American Studies" (an introduction to a special issue on gender and sexuality, eds. Muller, A., & Cieslak, M), Polish American Studies, Spring 2021.
“The Return: The Long Road Home of Female Concentration Camp Inmates,” Polish Review, vol. 65, no. 3, 2020, 3-29.
"Masculinity and Dissidence in Eastern Europe in the 1980s" just came out. It was published in Gender in Twentieth Century Eastern Europe and the USSR, ed. Catherine Baker. (Palgrave, 2016).
“Walls that Unite: Unlikely Friendships in Mokotów Prison, 1949-1956,” Rocznik Antropologii Historii [Yearly in Anthropology of History], Fall 2016.
“Between Social and Individual Memory: Being a Polish Woman in a Stalinist Prison,” in Tapestry of Memory. Evidence and Testimony in Life-Story Narratives, eds. Nanci Adler and Selma Leydesdorff, (London: Transaction Publishers, 2013), 37-55.
Awards and Recognition
The Oskar Halecki Polish History Award, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, for If the Walls Could Speak. Inside a Women's Prison in Communist Poland.
Ludwik Krzyżanowski Award for best article published in The Polish Review in 2020 for “The Return: The Long Road Home of Female Concentration Camp Inmates”
American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship.
Kościuszko Foundation Polish Studies and Research Grant.
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) grant.
IREX Individual Advanced Research Opportunities (IARO) fellowship.