The College of Engineering and Computer Science utilizes Entrepreneurial-Minded Project-Based Learning to develop the skills and mindset necessary for long-term success. By focusing on addressing important societal problems fostering curiosity, exploring connections, and creating value, CECS graduates are equipped with professional skills and cutting-edge technical acumen. Students apply state-of-the-art tools and methods to a wide range of global challenges through hands-on classroom and work-based experiences, such as:
Human-Centered Engineering Design: Students participate in hands-on, project-based design through studio classes each academic year, and project-based classes are complemented by a human factors lab and maker space. They also engage with diverse external partners, including artists, designers, industries and nonprofit organizations serving the surrounding communities.
Cybersecurity: Students develop fluency in fundamental disciplines such as confidentiality, integrity, access control, security architecture and systems and attack-defense strategies. The digital forensics concentration offers hands-on opportunities to gain expertise in tools and techniques for recovering, securing and analyzing digital evidence that could be used in court.
Robotics Engineering: This platform allows students with diverse backgrounds (electrical, computer, mechanical, automotive, etc.) to collaborate on projects focusing on meaningful human-robot interactions, which can enhance children’s learning ability or improve healthcare applications.
Artificial Intelligence: Students analyze audio and video samples to differentiate deepfakes from authentic media, helping mitigate disinformation’s adverse effects in society.
Integrating Entrepreneurial-Minded Project-Based Learning into all undergraduate programs each year ensures that CECS students can adapt and engage in a changing world of work.