UM-Dearborn Dependent Tuition Scholarship
Overview and Guidelines
Four types of individuals are eligible for the Dependent Tuition Scholarship:
- IRS-dependent children of faculty/staff
- Spouses
- Other Qualified Adults (OQA)
- IRS-dependent children of (OQA)
These dependents must be associated with a regular (not temporary) part time and full time staff/ faculty at the University of Michigan (at a 50% and higher appointment). This scholarship is restricted to Michigan residents who are U.S. citizens/permanent residents. Michigan residency is defined by the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
These dependents shall be allowed to enroll in any undergraduate course at UM-Dearborn for which they have the appropriate prerequisites, for those courses in a program leading to the first baccalaureate degree.
For the purposes of the UM-Dearborn Dependent Tuition Scholarship Program, “dependent” is defined to include IRS-dependent children, IRS-dependent children of spouses or OQAs living in the home of the unit member, spouses or Other Qualified Adult (based on benefits eligibility guidelines).
- UM-Dearborn dependents receive a 50% tuition and fees scholarship
- UM-Ann Arbor, UM-Flint, or UM Medical System dependents receive a 20% tuition and fees scholarship
Both categories or scholarship are required to meet the following conditions:
- Dependents are required to apply for this scholarship through UM-Dearborn’s Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships using the UM System Dependent Tuition Scholarship Application. As needed, the Human Resources department will provide confidential staff and faculty employment verification (active status, regular appointment confirmation and effort level) to the Admissions and/or the Financial Aid Offices to assist in determining an applicant’s eligibility. The deadline to submit the UM System Dependent Tuition Scholarship Application is no later than the first day of the term.
- Courses taken under the dependent tuition scholarship program may be taken on a matriculated basis. The participant shall meet all degree admission and eligibility requirements of the University in effect at the time of enrollment. Guest students are not eligible for dependent tuition scholarships. Only students who are enrolled in degree seeking programs at the University of Michigan-Dearborn may be considered.
The dependent scholarship will be applied to tuition and mandatory or course fees only. All other fees and costs are the responsibility of the student.
The applied dependent tuition scholarship precedes any other institutional scholarship or grant aid awarded to the participant. Institutional scholarships of greater value or that offer greater flexibility in terms will supersede the UM-Dearborn Dependent Tuition Scholarship Program.
Participants may receive the dependent tuition scholarship in a program leading to the first baccalaureate degree up to the number of credits required by the degree program for graduation. This dependent scholarship program will not apply toward graduate degree credits.
There is no limit to the number of credits which may be taken each semester under the tuition scholarship program, however, the student will only be eligible for up to 8 semesters of this award, upon initiation of the scholarship.
Participants shall be subject to all applicable academic policies governing students at UM-Dearborn.
The dependent tuition scholarship will be evaluated on a regular basis (minimally, every 2 years) to determine whether the scholarship shall be continued. Strong consideration for continuing the program will be based upon enrollment data that is indicative of tuition revenue and enrollment growth as a result of the scholarship.
The actual value of the Dependent Tuition Scholarship will be determined and applied after official enrollment is established. An estimated award amount will be reflected on the student's financial aid package.
There is no limit on the number of scholarships for children who may receive this benefit annually. However, up to 50 scholarships available per academic year (Fall, Winter and Summer semesters) for spouses and OQAs. The 50 scholarships are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Eligibility begins on an employee’s first day of regular employment at UM System and dependents are required to apply in advance to receive the scholarship award for future semesters, not retroactively. If a student (who has been awarded a dependent scholarship) takes one or more consecutive semesters off, then that student must re-apply for the dependent scholarship to be granted in the future.
If a staff or faculty member separates employment prior to the end of the add/drop period of a semester, the University reserves the right to revoke or not award the dependent’s scholarship. If an employee separates employment after the add/drop period of a semester, the dependent scholarship will continue through that semester.
In the event of the death of the employee during the time when a UM-Dearborn dependent is enrolled and participating in this scholarship, the scholarship shall continue to allow the student to complete the degree or certificate program in which they are enrolled.
Children/spouse/OQA of retired faculty and staff will not be eligible for this scholarship.
To maintain this scholarship, the recipient must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and continue satisfactory academic progress as defined by the Office of Financial Aid.
Process for Consideration
In addition to applying for admission and being accepted to the University of Michigan-Dearborn, the student must submit the UM System Dependent Tuition Scholarship Application along with the family’s most recent federal tax form as supporting documentation of the dependent status of the student.
To verify eligibility of a child, the family's most recent federal tax form as supporting documentation of the dependent status of the student is required.
To verify a spouse or Other Qualified Adult (OQA), the following verification is acceptable:
- verification of the spouse/OQA on the staff/faculty member's University of Michigan benefit plan through Human Resources;
- or verification through submission of the family's most recent federal tax form as supporting documentation;
- or a marriage certificate may be provide for the spouse;
- or OQA status verification certifying that your OQA qualifies as an eligible tax dependent under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code for the most recent tax year.
Additional details regarding this requirement may be found on the Declaration of Tax Status for Other Qualified Adult form with Human Resources.
Continued Eligibility
To renew the Dependent Tuition Scholarship, the student must submit, to the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, the Dependent Scholarship Application along with the required supporting documentation of the dependent status. Financial Aid will verify with Human Resources the parent’s or spouse/OQAs employment/benefit status.
Please note that the UM System Dependent Tuition Scholarship Application is submitted only once during the academic year (e.g. Fall, Winter, Summer.)
Contact for additional information
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at