Grades and Grading

Final grade submission for a term begins on the first day of final exams. Instructors are asked to submit final grades within 48 hours of the final exam or no later than the posted deadline date.

Grading System Policy

For detailed information regarding the university grading system visit the University Catalog for the Grading System policy page.

Undergraduate Grading System

NoteThe A+ and D- grades are not used by Engineering instructors.
The A+ grade is not used by Education instructors.

Grades associated with transfer credit from other schools or colleges (including other University of Michigan campuses) are neither recorded nor used in computing grade point averages of students.

Please see the Repeat Course Policy for information on how repeated courses are handled at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Graduate Grading System

The Graduate Grading System at UM-Dearborn changed from a 9 point system to a 4 point system beginning with the Summer 2014 semester.  All students who are admitted, enrolled or active for the Summer 2014 term forward, are being moved to the 4 point scale. 

When courses are repeated at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, the grades for all attempts remain on the transcript and the final grade assigned the last time the student enrolled in the course will be used in computing the student’s cumulative grade point average and credits earned toward degree.