
The right combination: Bioengineering student shares passion for science as a Michigan Science Center volunteer

Bioengineering student Jessica Hallgath shares her passion for science as a volunteer at the Michigan Science Center in Detroit....

In demand: CECS doctoral programs launched to meet need for research and development engineers

CECS doctoral programs launched to meet need for research and development engineers....

Go with the flow: Professor Oleg Zikanov collaborates internationally to research energy storage solutions

Professor Oleg Zikanov is collaborating with colleagues worldwide to research energy storage solutions....

An innovative assist: Ford, UM-Dearborn create new trailer backup assist

Weekend warriors know the drill: You’re ready to head north for a quick getaway; the truck is packed and the trailer is hitched. But there’s one last obstacle standing in your way—backing the trailer out of the driveway....

Engineered for success: High school students gain practical experience in bioengineering fields

One group of students looks through the microscope to observe cell cultures that later may be used for tissue engineering....

Professors partner with local industry for cell and tissue technology research

The field of cell and tissue engineering technologies has seen tremendous growth in the past two decades. But practical applications of the technologies have lagged. Now, University of Michigan-Dearborn professors Nilay Chakraborty and Gargi Ghosh are coll...

Regents recently approved two new degree programs

Bioengineering, education specialist degrees approved for UM-Dearborn...