Ang Li, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science
Ang Li_headshoot
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Science
206 Computer and Information Science Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128
schedule CIS 535, 4-5pm on Monday

Teaching Areas:

Computer and Information Science, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, Data Science, Software Engineering

Research Areas:

Artificial Intelligence, Computing and Networks, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Intelligent Systems

Biography and Education


  • Ph.D., Arizona State University
  • M.S., Beihang University
  • B.E., Guangxi University

Teaching and Research

Courses Taught

Selected Publications

  1. Ang Li, Jiawei Li, Yan Zhang, Dianqi Han, Tao Li, Ting Zhu, and Yanchao Zhang, “PhyAuth: Physical-Layer Message Authentication for ZigBee Networks,” USENIX Security, Anaheim, CA, August 2023. (18 pages)
  2. Ang Li, Jiawei Li, Dianqi Han, Yan Zhang, Tao Li, and Yanchao Zhang, “Secure UHF RFID Authentication with Smart Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2022.3226753, December 2022. (13 pages)
  3. Jiawei Li, Chuyu Wang, Ang Li, Dianqi Han, Yan Zhang, Jinhang Zuo, Rui Zhang, Lei Xie, and Yanchao Zhang, “Rhythmic RFID Authentication,” IEEE Transactions on Networking, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3204204, September 2022. (14 pages)
  4. Ang Li, Jiawei Li, Dianqi Han, Yan Zhang, Tao Li, and Yanchao Zhang, “WearRF-CLA: Continuous Location Authentication with Wrist Wearables and UHF RFID,” ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), Nagasaki, Japan, May 2022. (13 pages, acceptance ratio: 85/463 = 18.3%)
  5. Yan Zhang, Ang Li, Jiawei Li, Dianqi Han, Tao Li, Rui Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “SpecKriging: GNN-based Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sensing,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 21(11):1536 – 1276, June 2022. (11 pages)
  6. Yan Zhang, Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Jiawei Li, Tao Li, and Yanchao Zhang, “SmartMagnet: Proximity-Based Access Control for IoT Devices with Smartphones and Magnets,” IEEE Transcations on Mobile Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2022.3149746, February 2022. (12 pages)
  7. Jiawei Li, Ang Li, Dianqi Han, Tao Li, Yan Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “RCID: Fingerprinting Passive RFID Tags via Wideband Backscatter,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Virtual, May 2022. (10 pages, acceptance ratio: 225/1129 = 19.9%)
  8. Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Yan Zhang, Jiawei Li, Tao Li, and Yanchao Zhang, “DroneKey: A Drone-Aided Group-Key Generation Scheme for Large-Scale IoT Networks,” ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Virtual, November 2021. (14 pages, acceptance ratio: 196/879 = 22%)
  9. Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Lili Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jiawei Li, Tao Li, Ting Zhu, and Yanchao Zhang, “Deep Learning-Guided Jamming for Cross-Technology Wireless Networks: Attack and Defense,” IEEE Transactions on Networking, 29(5):1922 – 1932, May 2021. (11 pages)
  10. Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Tao Li, Lili Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jiawei Li, Rui Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “(In)secure Acoustic Mobile Authentication,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 21(9):3193 – 3207, January 2021. (15 pages)
  11. Yan Zhang, Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Lili Zhang, Tao Li, and Yanchao Zhang, “MagAuth: Secure and Usable Two-Factor Authentication with Magnetic Wrist Wearables,” IEEE Transcations on Mobile Computing, 22(1):311 – 327, April 2021. (17 pages)
  12. Tao Li, Dianqi Han, Jiawei Li, Ang Li, Yan Zhang, Rui Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “Your Home is Insecure: Practical Attacks on Wireless Home Alarm Systems,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Virtual, May 2021. (10 pages, acceptance ratio: 252/1266 = 19.9%)
  13. Jiawei Li, Chuyu Wang, Ang Li, Dianqi Han, Yan Zhang, Jinhang Zuo, Rui Zhang, Lei Xie,and Yanchao Zhang, “RF-Rhythm: Secure and Usable Two-Factor RFID Authentication,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Virtual, July 2020. (10 pages, acceptance ratio: 268/1354 = 19.8%)
  14. Lili Zhang, Dianqi Han, Ang Li, Tao Li, Yan Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “WristUnlock: Secure and Usable Smartphone Unlocking with Wrist Wearables,” IEEE International Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Washington, DC, June 2019. (9 pages)
  15. Ang Li, Tao Li, Yan Zhang, Lili Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, “SocialDistance: How Far Are You from Verified Users in Online Social Media?” IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Phoenix, AZ, June 2019. (10 pages)

Awards and Recognition

2022  Electrical Engineering Department Scholarship, ECEE, ASU

2019  Engineering Graduate Fellowship, ECEE, ASU

2018  IEEE CNS Student Travel Grant