Anys Bacha, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science
Anys Bacha
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Science
215 Computer and Information Science Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128
Not teaching

Teaching Areas:

Computer and Information Science, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance

Research Areas:

Computing and Networks, Cybersecurity

Biography and Education


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University

Teaching and Research

Courses Taught

Selected Publications

  1. A. A. Elkhail, N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, R. Aslam, H. Khan, A. Bacha, and H. Malik, "Seamlessly Safeguarding Data Against Ransomware Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2022 (Accepted).
  2. N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "An Application Agnostic Defense Against the Dark Arts of Cryptojacking", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
    Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2021 (acceptance rate: 16.3%).
  3. N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, A. Bacha, "Towards Mobile Malware Detection Through Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), 2020.
  4. N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "A Cross-stack Approach Towards Defending Against Cryptojacking", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2020.
  5. M. Samavatian, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, R. Teodorescu, "RNNFast: An Accelerator for Recurrent Neural Networks Using Domain Wall Memory", ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), 2020.
  6. D. Ibdah, N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "Dark Firmware: A Systematic Approach to Exploring Application Security Risks in the Presence of Untrusted Firmware", International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), 2020.
  7. K. Barber, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, R. Teodorescu, "SpecShield: Shielding Speculative Data from Leaky Side Channels", International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2019 (acceptance rate: 21%).
  8. K. Barber, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, R. Teodorescu, "Isolating Speculative Data to Prevent Transient Execution Attacks", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2019 (acceptance rate: 24%). Best Paper Award.
  9. L. Zhou, M. Samavatian, A. Bacha, S. Majumdar, R. Teodorescu, "Adaptive Parallel Execution of Deep Neural Networks on Heterogeneous Edge Devices", ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), 2019. 
  10. N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, A. Bacha, "The Case for Native Instructions in the Detection of Mobile Ransomware", IEEE Letters of Computer Society (LOCS), 2019.
  11. Xiang Pan, Anys Bacha, Spencer Rudolph, Li Zhou, Yinqian Zhang, Radu Teodorescu, "NVCool: When Non-Volatile Caches Meet Cold Boot Attacks", IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2018 (acceptance rate: 29%).
  12. X. Pan, A. Bacha, and R. Teodorescu, "Respin: Rethinking Near-Threshold Multiprocessor Design with Non-Volatile Memory", International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2017 (acceptance rate: 22%).
  13. A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Authenticache: Harnessing Cache ECC for System Authentication". IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2015 (acceptance rate: 21%).
  14. A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Using ECC Feedback to Guide Voltage Speculation in Low-Voltage Processors", IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2014 (acceptance rate: 19%).
  15. A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Dynamic Reduction of Voltage Margins by Leveraging On-chip ECC in Itanium II Processors", ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 2013 (acceptance rate: 19%).

Awards and Recognition

  • 2020 CECS Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching
  • 2020 NSF Grant (Award #1947580)
  • 2019 Best of CAL Award
  • 2019 NSF Grant (Award #1933772)
  • 2019 U.S. Patent (10318431)
  • 2018 U.S. Patents (10109370, 9940291, 9965391)
  • 2016 IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention
  • 2016 The Ohio State University CSE Graduate Research Award
  • 2013-2016 U.S. Patents (9342123, 8347070, 7768756)
  • 2015 Hewlett-Packard Innovators of the Year
  • 2014-2015 Hewlett-Packard Gold Star Award
  • 2014-2015 Travel Grant, IEEE MICRO