Charu Chandra, Ph.D.

William E. Stirton Professor, Donald Ross Cowan Endowed Collegiate Professor, Professor, Decision Sciences
Charu Chandra
College of Business
Department of Information Systems and Operation Management
Decision Sciences
183 Fairlane Center South | 19000 Hubbard Drive | Dearborn, MI 48126

Teaching Areas:

MBA, MS-Business Analytics, MS-Supply Chain Management, BBA, BBA Supply Chain Management

Research Areas:

Applied Operations Research, Business Analytics, Data Science, Healthcare informatics, Information Engineering, Supply chain management

Biography and Education

Charu Chandra joined the College of Business on September 1, 2009. Prior to this appointment, he was a Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, where he served since joining the university on September 1, 1998. Earlier, he was a member of Technical Staff in the Decision Analysis department at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Since October 2019, he has been an Affiliated Faculty & Member of Precision Health, University of Michigan Medical School. In October 2015, he joined the Michigan Institute for Data Science, University of Michigan as an Affiliated Faculty. In September 2012, he became an Affiliated Faculty & Member of the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan Medical School.

At the University of Michigan-Dearborn, he has been involved in developing graduate programs in information systems & technology, supply chain management, and business analytics in the College of Engineering & Computer Science, and the College of Business.

He has taught courses both at undergraduate and graduate levels in information systems engineering, industrial engineering & operations research, management science, decision sciences, supply chain management, operations management, statistics, and business analytics areas. He also regularly offers a capstone project course where students from the College of Business and the College of Engineering & Computer Science work with an industry sponsor on designing, modeling, and implementing solutions for real problems.

He is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine and a Member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, the Production and Operations Management Society, the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Academy Health, and the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. He is actively involved in several academic and professional societies in various capacities.

His Ph.D. and master’s degree are in industrial engineering and operations research from the Arizona State University, Tempe and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, respectively. 


Professor Chandra's research interests are in applied operations research and information engineering. He has carved out a niche in Enterprise System Informatics research and uses it as the basis for the study of enterprise systems and supply chain problems with the fusion of theory, computation, and application components adopted from Systems and Informatics fields of research. His current focus is on studying problems in health care and augmented analytics, and supply chain resilience. Currently, in Health Enterprise Informatics, he is investigating topics on optimizing patient-centered health care delivery for elderly people, while in augmented analytics, he is designing models and methodologies for delivering applications in various domains utilizing textual and verbal syntax. His recent funded research is studying supply chain resilience problems in the United States federal government procurement enterprise with special emphasis on small business participation. Other research projects have focused on health care delivery, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and global logistics topics. He has secured and led several major funded projects with sponsors from healthcare, textile, and defense industries.

He recently served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, a leading journal publishing research on health care quality issues for over three decades. He has served as the Area Editor of OMEGA, a leading journal in Management Science and Operations Management areas and serves on the Editorial Board of several academic journals with editorial responsibilities for supply chain management, enterprise engineering, and health systems management track papers. He has Guest Edited several journal special issues on many topics in his research expertise.

Dr. Chandra has received several honors and awards for his research. Prominent among these are:

  • 2023, Nominated Faculty Member, Beta Gamma Sigma, The International Business Honor Society
  • 2022, Fellow, The Royal Society of Medicine, United Kingdom.

  • 2021 College of Business Researcher of the Year award, College of Business, University of Michigan-Dearborn.

  • 2015 Distinguished Performance in Research Award, College of Business, University of Michigan-Dearborn.

  • 2015 Distinguished Research Award for outstanding contribution to research and scholarship, University of Michigan-Dearborn.

  • 1994 John P. Decker Memorial award and honor plaque for outstanding Ph.D. student, Industrial & Management Systems Engineering department, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.



Arizona State University

Selected Publications

Google Scholar Profile

Refereed Archival Journal Articles (since 2016)

  1. Das, D., Kumar, S., Hui, N. B., Jain, V., and Chandra, C., "Pricing and revenue-based outsourcing strategies in multi-echelon lot-sizing model under insufficient production capacity," Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2023. DOI
  2. Prakash, S., Kumar, S., Soni, G., Jain, V., Dev, S., and Chandra, C., “Evaluating Approaches Using Grey-TOPSIS for Sustainable Supply Chain Collaboration under Risk and Uncertainty,” Benchmarking: An International Journal, August 2022, DOI: 10.1108/BIJ-05-2022-0319.
  3. Siddh, M. M., Kumar, S., Soni, G., Jain, V., Chandra, C., Jain, R., Sharma, M. K., and Kazancoglu, Y., “Impact of Agri-fresh Food Supply Chain Quality Practices on Organizational Sustainability,” Operations Management Research, September 2021, DOI:10.1007/s12063-021-00196-x.
  4. Sinha, P., Kumar, S., and Chandra, C. “Strategies for Ensuring Required Service Level for COVID-19 Herd Immunity in Indian Vaccine Supply Chain,” European Journal of Operational Research, March 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.ejor.2021.03.030.
  5. Kumar, S., Xu, C., Ghildayal, N., Chandra, C., and Yang, M. “Social Media Effectiveness as a Humanitarian Response to Mitigate Influenza Epidemic and COVID-19 Pandemic,” Annals of Operations Research, January 29, 2021, DOI:10.1007/s10479-021-03955-y.
  6. Momeni, M. A., Kumar, S., Jain, V., Mostofi, A., and Chandra, C., “A Perspective on Improving the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Environment,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 49, No 2, pp. 196-203, 2021.
  7. Mostofi, A., Kumar, S., Jain, V., Chandra, C., and Momeni, M. A., “The Interactive Weighting Method Concerning Consistency, Inadequacy, Complementary and Supplementary Properties of Criteria,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 2014 – 2025, 2022.
  8. Biswas, P., Kumar, S., Jain, V., and Chandra, C., “Measuring Supply Chain Reconfigurability using Integrated and Deterministic Assessment Models,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 52, No. 19, pp. 172-183, July 2019.
  9. Gupta, S., Kumar, S., Singh, S., Foropon, C., and Chandra, C., “Role of Cloud ERP on the Performance of an Organization: Contingent Resource Based View Perspective,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 29, No 2, pp. 659-675, September 2018.
  10. Chandra, C., and Tumanyan, A., “Organization and problem ontology for supply-chain information support system,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 45, No. 2, Second Quarter, pp. 109-124, June 2017.
  11. Jain, V., Kumar, S., Soni, U., and Chandra, C., “Supply Chain Resilience: Model Development and Empirical Analysis,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, No. 22, pp. 6779-6800, 2017.
  12. Grabis, J., and Chandra, C., “Joint optimization of process design and operational policies,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 44, No. 3, Third Quarter, pp. 32-45, Sept. 2016.
  13. Zhang, W., He, J., Liu, Z., and Chandra, C., “Factors Affecting Nursing Staff’s Willingness to Supervise Nursing Students,” International Journal of Nursing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 9-14, June 2016.
  14. Jain, V., Kumar, S., Kundu, A., and Chandra, C., “Linking procurement operations to power-influence in a supply chain,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 41, pp. 201-210, 2016.
  15. Jain, V., Kumar, S., Kumar, A., and Chandra, C., “An Integrated Decision-Making Process for Green Supplier Selection,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 41, pp. 256-265, 2016.
  16. Kumar, S., and Chandra, C., “Supply Chain Disruption by Avian Flu Pandemic for U.S. Companies – A Case Study,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 65-73, March 2016.
  17. Chandra, C., and Grabis, J. “Inventory Management with Variable Lead-time Dependent Procurement Cost,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 114-124, June 2016.
  18. Sakhuja, S., Jain, V., Kumar, S., and Chandra, C., “A Structured Review of Service Supply Chain Discipline: Potentials, Challenges and Integrated Framework,” Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Vol. 17, Winter, 270-295, 2016.
  19. Sakhuja, S., Jain, V., Kumar, S., Chandra, C., and Ghildayal, S. K., “Genetic algorithm based fuzzy time series tourism demand forecast model,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp. 483-507, 2016.
  20. Kumar, A., Jain, V., Kumar, S., and Chandra, C., “Green Supplier Selection: A New Genetic/Immune Strategy with Industrial Application,” Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 911-943, 2016.


  1. Chandra, C., and Grabis, J., “Supply Chain Configuration: Concepts, Solutions, and Applications”, New York, New York: Springer Science, Second Edition, 2016, 297 pages. (ISBN: 978-1-4949-3555-0)
  2. Chandra, C., and Grabis, J., “Supply Chain Configuration: Concepts, Solutions, and Applications”, New York, New York: Springer Science, 2007, 342 pages. (ISBN: 0-387-25190-1)
  3. Seppanen, M., Kumar, S., and Chandra, C., "Process Analysis and Improvement: Tools and Techniques," Burr Ridge, Illinois: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2005, 366 pages. (ISBN: 0-07-285712-9)
  4. Chandra, C., and Kamrani, A. K., “Mass Customization: A Supply Chain Approach,” New York, New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 262 pages. (ISBN: 0-306-48505-2)

Book Chapters

  1. Chandra, C.,  Thiruvengadam, V., and MacKenzie, A., “Augmented Analytics for Datamining: A Formal Framework and Methodology,” In I. Mistrik, M. Galster, B. Maxim, and B. Tekinerdogan, (Eds.) Knowledge Management in Development of Data-Intensive Software Systems, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, 2021.

Guest Journal Issues Edited

  1. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2009, Vol. 17, Nos. 1/2, pp. 1-212.
  2. Role of Flexibility in Supply Chain Design and Modeling, Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, August 2009, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 743-837.
  3. Towards the Transition from Supply Chain to Alliance and Supply Networks: Concepts, Models and Methodologies, Human Systems Management Journal, 2008, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-88.

Conference Presentations

  1. Chandra, C., and Zhxin (Jason) Liu, “Scheduling for Patient-Centered Care and Outcomes for Chronic Conditions: Challenges and Opportunities”, 2023 INFORMS Conference, October 15 to October 18, 2023, Phoenix, Arizona.
  2. Chandra, C., and Kumar, S., "Conversational Query Implementation of Augmented Analytics Chatbot for Sales Forecasting of Frozen Dessert Pie", 2022 POMS Annual Conference, April 21 – April 25, 2022, (On-line).
  3. Kumar, S., Yang, M., and Chandra, C., “Leveraging Social Media to Manage Influenza Pandemics” 2021 POMS Annual Conference, April 30 – May 5, 2021 (On-line).

Recent Funded Research Grants

  1. Chandra, C., Managing Priority Supply Chains, U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington D. C., Project Grant No. F 068585, $126,640, C. Chandra (PI), 5/1/23 – 4/30/24.  (A White House, Office of Management and Budget led initiative)