Cheol Lee, Ph.D.

Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Cheol Lee
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
2241 Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128

Research Areas:

Integrated Design and Manufacturing, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Intelligent Systems, Power Electronics and Energy Systems, Robotics

Biography and Education

Dr. Lee’s research goal is to make fundamental advances in reduced-order modeling, estimation, control, and optimization techniques and explore their applications in developing cost-effective solutions for sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing and energy industries. Recent research activities have focused on development of a new cyber-physical manufacturing paradigm through knowledge-based digitalization, reduced-order modeling (ROM) of battery thermal management systems, and digital-twin technologies for tracking of aging in lithium-ion batteries.


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2000.   

M.S., Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 1994.

B.S., Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, KAIST, 1992. 

Teaching and Research


  • "Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: On-Line Control and Soft-Sensing for Thermal Food Processing Based on a Reduced-Order Modeling Approach," 12/2023 - 11/2026, Lee, C.W. (Lead PI) and Zikanov, O. (Co-PI) at the UMD in collaboration with Jeong, S. (PI) and Dolan, K. (Co-PI) at Michigan State University (MSU), Total Award: $1,195,652 (UMD Share: $695,652), USDA-NIFA (via NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Program).
  • “MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of an Accelerating Rate Calorimeter System for Multidisciplinary Research, Education and Outreach,” 2023-26, Lee. C.W. (Co-PI) with Chen, L. (PI), Zhou, X., Kim, Y., and Wang, M. (Co-PIs), NSF.
  • “Development of a Lithium Ion Battery Separator Aging Model,” 2019-22, Lee, C.W. (PI) with Ayoub, G. (Co-PI), UM-Ford Alliance, Ford Motor Company.
  • "Reduced-Order Modeling of Battery Thermal Management Systems," 2018-19, Lee, C.W. (PI) with Zikanov, O. (Co-PI), General Motors.
  • “Online Diagnosis for Degradation of Battery Cell Capacity and Power Capability Considering Temperature and Cell-to-Cell Variability,” 2013-14, Lee, C.W. (Co-PI) with Xi, Z. (PI), UM-Ford Alliance, Ford Motor Company. 

Selected Publications