Hani Bawardi, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Arab American Studies, History, Middle East StudiesResearch Areas:
Arab American Studies, Immigrants / ImmigrationTeaching and Research
Courses Taught
- HIST 5677: Arab American Identity
- HIST 3676: Arab Americans since 1890
- HIST 4999: Senior Research Seminar
- LIBS 113: The World in a Grain of Sand
- HIST 358: Emergence of Modern U.S.
- HIST 384: Immigration in America
- HIST 3601: Michigan History
- HIST 112: The American Past II
- HIST 358: Emergence of Modern U.S.,1876-1916
Selected Publications
Book in press
Hani J. Bawardi, The Making of Arab Americans: From Syrian Nationalism to U.S. Citizenship (University of Texas Press, 2014). 397 pages.
While conventional wisdom points to the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 as the gateway for the founding of the first Arab American national political organization, such advocacy in fact began with the Syrian nationalist movement, which emerged from immigration trends at the turn of the last century. Bringing this long- neglected history to life, The Making of Arab Americans overturns the notion of an Arab population that was too diverse to share common goals.
Tracing the forgotten histories of the Free Syria Society, the New Syria Party, the Arab National League, and the Institute of Arab American Affairs, the book restores a timely aspect of our understanding of an area (then called Syria) that comprises modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. Hani Bawardi examines the numerous Arab American political advocacy organizations that thrived before World War I, showing how they influenced Syrian and Arab nationalism. He further offers an in-depth analysis exploring how World War II helped introduce a new Arab American identity as priorities shifted and the quest for assimilation intensified. In addition, the book enriches our understanding of the years leading to the Cold War by tracing both the Arab National League’s transition to the Institute of Arab American Affairs and new campaigns to enhance mutual understanding between the United States and the Middle East. Illustrated with a wealth of previously unpublished photographs, The Making of Arab Americans provides crucial insight for contemporary dialogues.
Book Chapters
Hani J. Bawardi, “Beyond The Book of Khalid: reading Ameen Rihani, writing Arab American history,” Todd Fine, ed., The Book of Khalid (Advances contract. New York: Syracuse University Press, 2014). 112-143.
Hani J. Bawardi, “From Nazareth to Michigan, The importance of Ameen Farah and Immigrant Historiography,” Proceedings of the 2nd History and Cultural Heritage, July, 2012, Nazareth, Israel.
Book Review
Hani J. Bawardi, review of Samir Abu-Absi, ed., Arab Americans in Toledo; Cultural Assimilation and Community Involvement (Toledo, Ohio: University of Toledo Press, 2010), 298 pp. Northwest Ohio History, Maumee Valley Historical Society, Bowling Green State University. Fall, 2011; Vol. 79, No. 1.
Recent papers in major conferences and gatherings
Curator of the Archival Exhibit: “From Syria to Michigan,” and lecture “Flint and Highland Park Pioneers in the Arab American Journey.” The Arab American National Museum, Dearborn. March 23, 2013.
“Historical Content of Early Immigrant Writings, Arabic-Language lecture,” Al-Babtain Lecture Series, The Arabic Language Program for Cross-Cultural Dialogue, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. January 25, 2013. By invitation.
“New Readings in mahjar Literature,” Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. January 24, 3013. By invitation.
“Arab-Turkish Relations in Tumultuous Times: Safar Barlek and Immigrant Imaginings of Turkification,” Niagara Foundation Cultural Tour, Istanbul. July 9, 2012. By invitation.
“From Nazareth to Michigan: The importance of Immigrant Historiography,” Nazareth: History and Cultural Heritage, Nazareth Academic Institute and University of Haifa, July 4, 2012. Highly selective invitation and publication.
“Hikayat al-Mahjar (Tales of the Diasporas): Gibran and Beyond,” University of Minnesota, April 12, 2012.
International Conference on Nazareth: Also a longer public lecture on the same topics as guest of MIZNA, the only Arab American literary society in the United States, St. Paul, Minnesota. By invitation.
“Whither Arab American Studies? Heeding Suleiman’s call … ,” Contemporary Research in Arab American studies, new trends and critical perspectives: a conference in honor of Michael Suleiman. Arab American National Museum, Dearborn, Nov. 4-6, 2011.