J. Caitlin Finlayson, Ph.D.

Professor of English
Caitlin Finlayson
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Language, Culture, and the Arts
schedule By appointment only

Teaching Areas:


Research Areas:

English Literature, Humanities

Biography and Education


Ph.D. University of Toronto; M.A. University of Virginia; B.A. Vassar College.

Selected Publications


Civic Performance: Pageantry and Entertainments in early Modern London (2020). Caitlin Finlayson. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315392707

Two London Lord Mayor’s Shows by John Squire (1620) and John Taylor (1634). Ed. J. Caitlin Finlayson. Collections XVII. Oxford: Malone Society, 2015. 75-150.


“John Taylor, the Self-Made Poet, on Merit and Social Mobility in Mercantile London.” English Studies 98.2 (2017): 120-136.

“Killing Desdemona: Staging Sexual Violence in Othello Graphic Novels.” Drawn from the Classics: Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literature. Ed. Stephen Tabachnick and Esther Saltzman. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing, 2015, 46-59. 

“Thomas Heywood’s Londini Artium & Scientiarum Scaturigo (1632): the Huntington and Worcester Copies – Two Issues or Variant States?” The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 108:3 (2014): 325-341. 

“Thomas Heywood’s Panegyric to London’s ‘University’ in Londini Artium & Scientiarum Scaturigo or Londons Fountain of Arts and Sciences (1632)” The London Journal 39.2 (2014):1-18.

“Squire, John (c.1587-1653).” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 

“Jacobean Foreign Policy, London’s Civic Polity and Squire’s Lord Mayor’s Show, The Tryumphs of Peace (1620).” Studies in Philology 110.3 (Summer 2013): 584-610.

“‘Originally Shakespear’s’: Adaptation, Critique and All for Love and The Tempest.” Approaches to Teaching John Dryden. Eds. Lisa Zunshine and Jayne Lewis. New York: MLA, 2013. 132-139. 

“Mercantilism and the Path to Spiritual Salvation in Thomas Heywood’s Londini Emporia (1633).” English Studies 91.8 (2010): 838-860. 

“John Squire: The Unknown Author of The Tryumphs of Peace, the London Lord Mayor’s Show for 1620.” Neophilologus 94.3 (2010): 531-539. 

“The Boundaries of Genre: Translating Shakespeare in Johnston and Weldele’s Julius.” Teaching the Graphic Novel. Ed. Stephen Tabachnick. New York: MLA, 2009. 188-199.

“Medieval Sources for Keatsian Creation in La Belle Dame sans Merci.” Philological Quarterly 79.2 (2000): 225-247.

“The Garden of Plentie in Stephen Harrison’s The Arches of Triumph and the 1604 Royal Entry for James I,” Ritual and Ceremony from Late-Medieval Europe to Early America. Folger Shakespeare Library, May 2011. Web.

Academic Theatre Reviews:

“Macbeth Polish Song of the Goat Theatre (Teatr Piesn Kozla).” Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 29.3 (2011): 442-447. 

“The Tempest: Re-imagined for everyone aged six and over Open Air Theatre at Regent’s Park, London.” Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 28.2 (2010): 291-297. 

“Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare Dallas.” Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 25.3 (2007): 119-122.