Kiumi Akingbehin, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer and Information Science

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Science
209 Computer and Information Science Building | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Teaching Areas:
Computer and Information Science, Software EngineeringResearch Areas:
Computing and Networks, Software EngineeringBiography and Education
- Ph.D., Wayne State University
- M.A., Wayne State University
- M.S., University of Tennessee
- B.S., Howard University
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
Selected Publications
- Akingbehin, K., "Baseline-Based Framework for Continuous Software Process Improvement (CSPI)", International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications (IJSEIA), TO APPEAR
- Akingbehin, K., "Software Architectures and Security for Connected Vehicular Systems", SAE Seminar at LG Electronics, February 12, 2016, Santa Clara, California.
- Akingbehin, K., "Cyber-Security: An Overview and How to be More Involved", NiDICT Annual Conference, May 12, 2015, Washington DC.
- Dornala, R., Akingbehin, K., Yoon, D., “Data Deduplication in Storage Management”, 2013 International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data”, July 22 – 25, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Akingbehin, K., "Hybrid Wireless Harness for Low Mass Vehicular Applications", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks, ICCCN/WiMAN 2012, Munich, July 2012.
- Tai-hoon Kim, Hojjat Adeli, Haeng-kon Kim, Heau-jo Kang, Kyung Jung Kim, Akingbehin Kiumi, and Byeong-Ho Kang (Editors),“Software Engineering, Business Continuity, and Education”, Springer Books, ISBN 978-3-642-27206-6, Dec 2011.
- Slezak, D., Tai-Hoon, K., Akingbehin, K., Tao, J., June, V., and Silvia, A. (Editors). Advances in Software Engineering, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, Springer Books, ISBN 978-3-642-10618-7, 2010.
- Haeng-Kon, K., Tai-Hoon, K., and Akingbehin, K. (Editors), Advances in Security Technology, Communications in Computer and Information Series, Springer Books, ISBN 978-3-642-10239-4, 2010.
- Akingbehin, K., "A Structured Framework for Software Metrics Based on Three Primary Metrics", Proceedings of IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2010). Yamagata, Japan, August 2010.
- Akingbehin, K., "Taguchi-Based Metrics for Software Quality", in Applying Software Metrics, by Susan K. Land (Editor), Build Your Career TechSet, IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
- Akingbehin, K., "Taguchi Smaller-the-Best Software Quality Metrics", ACIS/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2009), Daegu, Korea, May 2009.
- Akingbehin, K., "Baseline-Based Framework for Continuous Software Process Improvement (CSPI)", SERSC/IEEE International Conference on Advanced Software Engineering and Applications, ASEA 2008, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, December 2008.
- Maxim, B. R. and Akingbehin, K., “Experiences in Teaching Senior Design Using Real-World Clients”, Proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2006, San Diego, October 2006.
- Shen, J., Maxim, B., and Akingbehin, K., “Accurate Correction of Surface Noises of Polygonal Meshes”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, #64, p 1678-1698, 2005.
- Akingbehin, K., “An Object-Oriented Reaction-Diffusion Neural Model for Computational Applications”, Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, p 1-6, Vol 4, #2, 2002.