Kristin Poling, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of History
Kristin Poling
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Honors Program
Social Sciences
3041 College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128

Teaching Areas:


Research Areas:

Europe / European History, Social and Cultural Factors, Urban History

Biography and Education

Dr. Poling is an assistant professor of history at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Dr. Poling teaches classes on German and world history and historical research methods. She also teaches in the Honors program, and serves as a faculty advisor for the history student group, Phi Alpha Theta.



Ph.D., History, Harvard University, 2011
M.A., History, Harvard University, 2005
B.A., History and German, Washington University in St. Louis, 2003




Teaching and Research

Courses Taught


 Dr. Poling's research areas include the urban and environmental histories of Germany and the United States. 

Selected Publications

Germany’s Urban Frontiers: Nature and History on the Edge of the Nineteenth-Century City (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020)

“A Walhalla in the Wasteland: Carl Ernest Schmidt and the Quest of One German-American Businessman to Save Michigan’s Forests,” Michigan Historical Review 46, no. 2 (Fall 2020): 1-30.

“Berlin, Frontier City: The Lenné Triangle Incident and West Berlin’s Frontier Zone in the 1980s,” in The Design of Frontier Spaces: Control and Ambiguity, 31-44. Edited by Andreas Luescher and Carolyn Loeb. Ashgate, 2015.

“Shantytowns and Pioneers Beyond the City Wall: Berlin’s Urban Frontier in the Nineteenth Century,“ Central European History 47 (2014): 245-274.