Lara Rusch, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Master of Public Administration and Policy, Political Science, Urban and Regional StudiesBiography and Education
PhD Institution: Political Science; University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
- POL 323: Urban Politics
- POL 313: American State Government
- POL 466/566: Social Welfare Policy
- POL 101: Introduction to American Government
- POL 334: Community Organizing and Leadership
Community Development and Organization, Criminalization of Poverty, Urban and Regional Politics and Governance
Selected Publications
Rusch, L. 2010. "Rethinking Bridging: Challenges for Building Social Capital Through Community Organizing," Urban Affairs Review 45(4):483-506.
Rusch, L. 2012. “Going Regional: The Evolution of an Organizing Strategy in Detroit,” City and Community 11(1): 51-73.
Rusch, Lara, and Heidi Swarts. 2015. "Practices of Engagement: Comparing and Integrating Deliberation and Organizing." Journal of Community Practice 23 (1):5-26.
Kaiser, Angela A., and Lara Rusch. 2015. "Trade-offs in Empowerment through Social Action: voices from Detroit." Community Development no. 46 (4):361-379.
Rusch, L., Brown, R., Brown, R., & Banner, F. 2019. Social Justice, Anti-Poverty Work, and Religion. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.
Rusch, Lara and Francine Banner. 2022. “Homeless Group Representation in Detroit’s Problem-Solving Court.” Law & Social Inquiry, First view DOI: 10.1017/lsi.2022.68