Rusi Sun, Ph.D.
Teaching Areas:
Master of Public Administration and Policy, Political ScienceResearch Areas:
Organization Management, Performance Measurement, Public AdministrationBiography and Education
Rusi Sun is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Michigan–Dearborn. Her research interests are leadership, organizational goal, personnel management, and performance measurement and management in public and nonprofit organizations.
Her research has been published in the American Review of Public Administration, Public Performance & Management Review, Public Administration Review, and Public Management Review.
Ph.D., Public Administration, Rutgers University, 2014
M.A., Social Security, Wuhan University, China, 2008
B.A., Labor and Social Security, Wuhan University, China, 2006
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
- PADM 505: Introduction to Public & Non-Profit Admin
- PADM 561: Organization Dev and Theory
- PADM 580: Statistics and Information Systems
- POL 300: Political Analysis
Selected Publications
Sun, R., & Henderson, A., (2017) “Transformational Leadership and Organizational Processes: Influencing Public Performance”. Public Administration Review.
Sun, R. & Wang, W., (2017) “Transformational Leadership, Employee Turnover Intention, and Actual Voluntary Turnover in Public Organizations”. Public Management Review.
Sun, R., Peng, S., & Pandey, S. 2014 "Testing the Effect of Person-Environment Fit on Employee Perceptions of Organizational Goal Ambiguity?" Public Performance & Management Review.37 (3), 465–495
Sun, R. & Van Ryzin, G. 2014 "Are Performance Management Practices Associated With Better Outcomes? Empirical Evidence from New York Public Schools" American Review of Public Administration.44(3), 324 –338.
Coate, D., & Sun, R. 2013. "Survival Estimates for Elite Male and Female Olympic Athletes and Tennis Championship Competitors". Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 23(6), 722–727.
Awards and Recognition
Joseph Wholey Distinguished Scholarship Award from the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).