Zheng Song, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science
Zheng Song
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Science
236 Computer and Information Science Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128
schedule Wednesday 1-2PM Thursday 12-1PM Friday 12-2PM

Teaching Areas:

Computer and Information Science, Data Science

Research Areas:

Computing and Networks, Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Intelligent Systems

Biography and Education


  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech
  • Ph.D., Beijing University of Posts and Telecomm.
  • M.S., China Agricultural University
  • B.S., China Agricultural University

Teaching and Research

Courses Taught

Selected Publications

  1. Cruz, B. D., Paul, A. K., Song, Z., & Tilevich, E. (2020, October). Stargazer: A deep learning approach for estimating the performance of edge-based clustering applications. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS), pp. 9-17, 2020. YESC Award
  2. Zheng Song and Eli Tilevich, "Win with What You Have: QoS-Consistent Edge Services with Unreliable and Dynamic Resources", Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), pp. 530-540, 2020, Acceptance rate: 18%
  3. Zheng Song, and Eli Tilevich, "Equivalence-Enhanced Microservice Workflow Orchestration to Efficiently Increase Reliability", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), pp. 426-433. IEEE, 2019. Acceptance Rate: 18%
  4. Zheng Song, and Eli Tilevich, "A Programming Model for Reliable and Efficient Edge-Based Execution under Resource Variability", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE), pp. 64-71. IEEE, 2019. Acceptance Rate: 22%
  5. Zheng Song, and Eli Tilevich, "PMDC: Programmable Mobile Device Clouds for Convenient and Efficient Service Provisioning", Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), pp. 202-209. IEEE, 2018. Acceptance Rate: 19%
  6. Zheng Song, Sanchit Chadha, Antuan Byalik, and Eli Tilevich, "Programming support for sharing resources across heterogeneous mobile devices", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), pp. 105-116. IEEE, 2018. Acceptance Rate: 31%
  7. Zheng Song, Jing Pu, Junjie Cheng, and Eli Tilevich, "Performance and programming effort trade-offs of android persistence frameworks", Journal of Systems and Software 146 (2018): 99-111
  8. Ye Tian, Xiong Li, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Edith Ngai, Zheng Song, Lanshan Zhang, and Wendong Wang, "Privacy-preserving scheme in social participatory sensing based on Secure Multi-party Cooperation", Computer Communications, 119 (2018): 167-178
  9. Yan Zhang, Zheng Song, Ye Tian, and Wendong Wang, "A Runtime Framework for Context-Sensitive Device-to-Device Communication", Proceedings of the 86th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2017
  10. Yin Liu, Zheng Song, and Eli Tilevich, "Querying Invisible Objects: Supporting Data-Driven, Privacy-Preserving Distributed Applications", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Managed Languages and Runtimes, pp. 60-72. ACM, 2017
  11. Ye Tian, Wendong Wang, Jie Wu, Qinli Kou, Zheng Song, and Edith C-H. Ngai, "Privacy-preserving social tie discovery based on cloaked human trajectories", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66, no. 2 (2016): 1619-1630
  12. Bo Zhang, Chi Harold Liu, Jianyu Lu, Zheng Song, Ziyu Ren, Jian Ma, and Wendong Wang, "Privacy-preserving QoI-aware participant coordination for mobile crowdsourcing", Computer Networks 101 (2016): 29-41
  13. Zhang, Bo, Zheng Song, Chi Harold Liu, Jian Ma, and Wendong Wang, "An event-driven QoI-aware participatory sensing framework with energy and budget constraints", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 6, no. 3 (2015), Article 42
  14. Zheng Song, Chi Harold Liu, Jie Wu, Jian Ma, and Wendong Wang, "Qoi-aware multitask-oriented dynamic participant selection with budget constraints", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63, no. 9 (2014): 4618-4632
  15. Zheng Song, Bo Zhang, Chi Harold Liu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Jian Ma, and Wendong Wang, "QoI-aware energy-efficient participant selection", Proceedings of the 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), pp. 248-256. IEEE, 2014

Awards and Recognition

  • 2021 NSF Research Grant (Award #2104337)
  • 2019  Best Paper Award of the IEEE Edge'19
  • 2015  2nd place award of the ACM student research competition @MobileSoft’15