MCard Access Policy


The University of Michigan - Dearborn considers the safety of its students, faculty, staff, visitors, and property to be of paramount importance and believes that door access is an important component of a comprehensive, University-wide, security program.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, vendors,contractors, and others requesting access to any University of Michigan–Dearborn facility or area/room located therein, accessible through electronic reader.

General Access Policies

A. Administration of the Access System

The Department of Facilities Operations is responsible for the overall administration of the campus access system. It is responsible for the following:

  1. Installing and maintaining all interior and exterior card readers.
  2. Maintaining accurate controls and records to provide accountability for all access issued by each department.
  3. Establishing procedures to govern,issue,and control access.

The Department of Facilities Operations will provide Department Access Coordinator (DAC) training on an as-needed basis for new DACs. The Department of Facilities Operations will also provide refresher training to DACs based on their needs.

B. Department Responsibility

Each University department’s Dean, Department Head, or Director is responsible for designating a Department Access Coordinator (DAC) and assuring departmental adherence to this Access Policy. DACs have the delegated responsibility to implement procedures to control and account for access that they have approved for persons within the department. DACs also have the responsibility for requesting termination of access when individuals transfer to another department or leave the  University, and for reporting  lost and stolen MCards.

C. Individual Responsibility

Individuals may use MCard Access only in their official capacity for the University. MCards are the property of the University of Michigan-Dearborn and cannot be loaned or transferred under any circumstances.

Stolen MCards must be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety and to the department DAC. Lost MCards must be reported immediately to the department DAC.

D. Access Policy Violations

The following acts are examples of violations of the Access Policy:

  • Loaning MCards
  • Transferring MCards
  • Altering mechanisms
  • Damaging, tampering, or vandalizing any university lock or hardware
  • Propping open secure doors
  • Admitting unauthorized individual(s) into a university building/space
  • Failure to report lost or stolen MCards

A. Requests for University Access

All Mcard Access Requests must be initiated by the DAC using the proper Mcard Access Request Form. Requests submitted without proper DAC authorization will be returned to the requesting department for proper authorization.

B. Authorization of Access Requests

General Access Requests require the authorization of the DAC who represents the requester’s department. Master and Restricted Mcard Access Requests additionally require explanation of need, timeframe, approval of the department’s Dean, Department Head, or Director, approval of the person responsible for the restricted space (“administrator”), and approval of the Executive Director for Facilities Operations.

Note: The  Department of  Facilities Operations restricts the issuing of  Master and Restricted Access to individuals with job responsibilities requiring regular use of such access. To maintain the integrity of our University access system, persons requesting Master or Restricted Access will be issued appropriate access relevant to their function. 

C. Issuing of Access

The Department of Facilities Operations will provide access after a completed Mcard Access Request Form has been received and fully approved. Approved requests may take up to five business (5) days to process. The Department of Facilities Operations will notify both the Mcard Holder and the department DAC via e-mail when access has been granted.

D. Term of Access

Faculty and full-time staff may be issued continued access for as long as they are in the official university capacity requiring the access.   The department DAC will request termination of access upon change of job responsibilities, transfer, or departure from the University.

Student, temporary employee, sponsored affiliate, and other user types may be issued access for the duration of their need, up to the end of the current academic year.  Therefore, the maximum access term allowed is September through  August. The DAC must submit a new Mcard Access Request for access needed in the following academic year.

E. Contractor Access

Contractors and other non-University employees are responsible to assure their access requests are limited to the location and for the duration necessary to complete the contracted task. All requests must be approved by the Facilities Operations project manager. All contractor access expires at the end of August each year.

F. Primary Records

The Department of Facilities Operations will maintain the primary records for all access issued. Records, at a minimum, will include the following information for each Cardholder:

Day(s) and Time(s)

On a quarterly basis, the Facilities Operations Access Coordinator will prepare a list of active access. This list will be distributed to the DACs for verification of the records.  Any corrections to the primary records will be made by the Access Coordinator based on the information provided by the DAC. In addition, an individual department DAC can request a list of all access issued in its name at any time.

G. Lost/Stolen Mcards

The DAC must make individuals in his/her department aware that lost/stolen Mcards should be reported immediately.  In the event that a Mcard is lost, the DAC should report the loss immediately to the Department of Facilities Operations.  Stolen Mcards must be reported to the DAC, Campus Police and Public Safety,and the Department of Facilities Operations.  

H. Standard Open Hours

Some interior door readers have Standard Open Hours that can be modified through official AiM Customer Request from the DAC responsible for the space. Exterior Door Readers are open during Standard Building Hours. Standard Building Hours are determined by the Building Access Policy.

Mcard Access is not required during Standard Open and Standard Building Hours.

I. Door Reader Installation Requests

All requests for new door reader installations must be submitted via AiM Customer Request by the department DAC. Requests for new door readers will be reviewed according to the comprehensive, University-wide, security program. In the event door reader installation is required and passes review, the requesting department will be responsible for all quote and installation-related costs.

AiM support is available by calling the Facilities Operations Call Center at 313-593-5270.

Policy owned by: Facilities Operations

Last reviewed date: 7/3/2019

Last updated date: 6/19/2024

Next review date: 7/3/2024