Parking Manual
The cooperation of all persons who use the University of Michigan-Dearborn parking lots and roads is needed to maintain adequate control and supervision of these areas. The rules and regulations set forth below have evolved in an effort to provide the maximum benefit for all concerned. Everyone driving on campus is expected to comply with the spirit, as well as the letter, of these regulations. Registration of vehicles helps to keep unauthorized vehicles off campus and out of the parking areas. It also makes it possible for University departments to get in touch with individuals promptly about matters concerning their vehicles.
Registration of Vehicles
- Vehicles are required to be parked in designated spaces and display a valid decal. Students may obtain parking decals by stopping the Information Desk located in the RUC Building. All faculty and staff members must register their vehicles with the Parking Office. Temporary employees should obtain a student permit. Parking in the parking structure does not exempt you from registering your vehicle.
- The decal must be permanently affixed to the lower left-hand corner of the vehicle’s front window. If you obtain a different vehicle, you may transfer the decal to the new vehicle. Faculty and staff must, however, notify the Parking Office by sending an email to of the make, color and license plate of the new vehicle. Replacement decals may be obtained at the Parking Office be presenting the old decal.
- All vehicles parked on campus must display a valid parking decal or be subject to ticketing.
- Handicapped faculty, staff, or students must apply for and obtain a valid State of Michigan handicap hang tag or a license plate from a Secretary of State office, which must be displayed to park in handicapped spots on-campus.
- Off-campus visitors should park in the designated visitor parking areas in lot F, E5, and the third floor of the Monteith Parking Structure. Visitor fees are currently being waived at the pay stations. Students, faculty and staff members are not considered visitors. Should special consideration be necessary, departments should notify UM-Dearborn Police Department (Public Safety) at 313-593-5333.
- Faculty/Staff should apply on-line, decals are issued and mailed by the Parking Office. Students may obtain a decal in person at the RUC Information Desk by showing their UMID.
- If you drive a different vehicle and forgot to move the valid permit, please call Campus Police and provide the license plate number. Vehicles not displaying a valid parking decal will be ticketed.
- “UM-D Vehicles Only” spaces are restricted for use by University, governmental, vendor, or handicap permit vehicles. All vendors must get special permits when signing in at Facilities Operations. Departments are responsible for notifying their vendors of the requirement. Vehicles without decals or temporary permits will be ticketed.
Regulations for the Operation and Parking of Motor Vehicles
- All persons are subject to the regulations as indicated on the campus parking map and area streets signs.
- When driving on campus, vehicle operators must observe the basic rules of safe driving which are common to all state motor vehicle codes, i.e., driving only on the right side of the roadway, yielding to pedestrians, obeying posted signs, etc.
- Parking in a manner or place which poses a direct threat to safety is forbidden at all times. The following are expressly forbidden:
- Operating a motor vehicle in excess of 15 mph.
- Blocking a fire hydrant, fire lane, crosswalk, building exit, or driveway.
- Parking in a posted "No Parking/Tow Away" area.
- Parking on a sidewalk, unpaved area, or in roadways.
- If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident on campus, you should notify the UM-Dearborn Police Department (Public Safety) at 313-593-5333 to file a report as soon as possible.
- Students are issued general permits which allow parking in:
- Lots C1, C2, D, F, and E-1 through E-4, a portion of E-3, E-5, E-6 and E-7, and all of E-8.
- Parking Structure (Floors 1, 2, 4, 5)
- Faculty and Staff permits allow parking in:
- All general permit areas.
- Lots A, a portion of E-3, E-6, and E-7, and H.
- Parking Structure (Floors 1, 2, 4, 5)
- Ann Arbor blue permit lots (only when on UM-Dearborn business). UM-Dearborn permits do not allow parking in restricted areas. Ann Arbor lots and structures require faculty and staff to swipe their UMID card for entry. You must have a valid UM-Dearborn parking permit to gain access. If you need your card activated for Ann Arbor lots, please email the Parking Office at
- Unless you have a special permit, you cannot park in the following areas:
- UM-D Vehicle Only spaces.
- Handicap spaces.
- Loading Zones.
- Visitor Parking.
- The University cannot be held responsible for theft, vandalism or damage committed to vehicles parked or while driving on University grounds. Please keep your vehicle locked and keep valuable articles out of sight.
- Only one (1) permit per person will be issued.
- Electric Vehicle (EV) users must have a valid faculty/staff or student parking permit to access the campus EV stations. There is a minimal charge for usage.
- Certain areas are designated and posted for use as loading zones. If you must load or unload equipment on campus and need to park briefly in a driveway or non-parking area of a lot, you must notify Campus Police (Public Safety) ahead of time to avoid a ticket.
- OVERNIGHT PARKING for school business please contact UM-Dearborn Police Department for forms and authorizations at 313-593-5333. Vehicles should be parked on the fourth floor of the Monteith Parking Structure.
Replacement of Decals
Questions regarding parking and replacements should be referred directly to the Parking email at
Decals must be returned to the Parking Office if a faculty/staff member has a change of employment.
Cautions and Appeals
- Fraudulent registration or abuse of regulations regarding vehicles on campus may result in revocation of parking privileges.
- Unregistered motor vehicles will be ticketed. An $80.00 or more City of Dearborn parking ticket will be issued for each violation. (To prevent ticketing of an unregistered second vehicle, see Registration of Vehicles.)
- The University may ticket and/or tow, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle which creates a hazard to campus safety, e.g. parking in fire lanes, blocking other cars, etc.
- Illegal use or abuse of handicap parking will result in a $175.00 City of Dearborn ticket.
- Vehicles parking contrary to pavement markings will be ticketed.
- Students, faculty and staff cannot park in visitor parking.
- If you feel that a ticket you received was not justified, you may elect to contact the 19th District Court of Dearborn for clarification.
Motorcycle Parking
Motorcycle parking is allowed in specially designated areas only. Please register your motorcycle with the Parking Office by sending an email to indicating your name, UMID number, permit number, make, model and plate. You do not need a separate permit for your motorcycle.
Student Permit Office Hours
Vehicles should be registered during formal term registration or any time between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays at the Parking Office in the Campus Support Services Building. The office will be open from 7:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the first week of each new term.
Parking Enforcement Hours
Parking enforcement is in effect at all times.
For further Information:
Parking Office
Campus Support Services Building
Dearborn, MI 48128-1491
Telephone: 313-593-5480
Policy owned by: Parking Services
Last reviewed date: 8/29/24
Last updated date: 8/29/24
Next review date: 8/28/27