Day Sale and Promotional Table Policy

UM-Dearborn student clubs and organizations are allowed to reserve space in the University Center and Fairlane Center South for day sales, recruiting new members, and promoting upcoming events.

This policy outlines the appropriate and inappropriate uses of the day sale/promotional tables. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in immediate removal from the table and the possible loss of all tabling privileges for the remainder of the semester.

  • Student organizations are limited to bake sales (pre-cooked food only), flower sales, organization t-shirt sales, book sales and other like items between the hours of 8:00 am - 8:00 pm through the use of a day sale table. All money raised or donated from sales must be deposited into the student organization's University Project/Grant account.
  • The sale of "University of Michigan" apparel is prohibited. The University Bookstore has exclusive rights for sales of MICHIGAN dry goods (t-shirts, caps, mugs, etc.).
  • Health and fire safety codes prohibit any form of cooking by student organizations on University premises. Therefore, all prepared foods should not require heating or cooling to maintain safe consumption (i.e. nothing should be plugged in, require chafing dishes, candles or other warming/cooling mechanisms).
  • Clubs and organizations are responsible for cleaning the reserved area during and after the event, making sure that all trash has been disposed of properly. Note: Student organization Project/Grant accounts may be charged by Facilities Management for any damage and/or inordinate cleaning.
  • One six-foot table and seating for two will be provided for the day sale/promo table. Additional tables and chairs are not available unless your organization wants to pay an additional charge, and these arrangements must be indicated in your reservation at least seven business days in advance.
  • Reservations for day sale/ promo tables are to be submitted at least 7 days in advance. 
  • Advertising/decorations are not to cover any information on University bulletin boards or signs. Groups may utilize the provided tack strips, or hanging wire; however, there should be nothing adhered to the walls or windows. Any signs or displays must be completely removed at the end of the day sale/promo table.
  • A member of the student organization must remain at the table at all times.
  • Promo tables cannot be used for day sales or any type of food giveaway unless ordered through Picasso.
  • You can NOT schedule a day sale table and a promo table on the same date.
  • A student organization can reserve a promo table for a maximum of three consecutive days per week, and a maximum of four days per semester: four (4) promo tables in the University Center, Fairlane Center South, or the Mardigian Library.
  • A student organization can reserve a day sale table with a maximum of three per semester; three (3) day sale tables, with at least one hosted in Fairlane Center South. 
  • Day Sale and Promotion table reservations may be canceled by emailing the Office of Student Life at at least 3 business days in advance. Reservations canceled after that deadline will result in the student organization forfeiting that reservation for the semester (i.e. if you cancel the day before, you will not be able to reschedule that same reservation).
  • For questions about day sale and promo tables, please email

Policy owned by: Office of Student Life

Last reviewed: 5/2024