Ph.D. in Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

The Ph.D. program in Mechanical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn educates and trains talented students who will conduct original and innovative research in the engineering field, educate future generations, and play leading roles in developing cutting-edge technologies while working in industry, academia, and government.

The doctoral program has a strong orientation toward the interfaces between the science of mechanical engineering and other areas. In addition to the core mechanical engineering subfields, such as mechanical and thermo-fluid sciences, the program’s areas of research training include the emerging fields in which mechanical engineering intersects with the materials sciences, bioengineering, automotive engineering, optical engineering, and advanced energy technologies. 

The Ph.D. program is highly selective and offers admission to exceptional students who have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree in engineering, applied math, computer science, or physical science.

This Ph.D. program of the Rackham Graduate School of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is located, administered, and offered by UM-Dearborn. The program observes the standards for admissions, registration, degree requirements, awarding of degrees, and other administrative policies and regulations established by the Executive Board of the Rackham Graduate School. 


Program Details

The Ph.D. degree requirements require a minimum of 36 credits hours of post-bachelor coursework and a minimum of 24 credits in dissertation coursework.

The program is a full-time, research-based degree with a strong orientation toward the interfaces between the science of mechanical engineering, bioengineering, and emerging fields. 

Students are admitted for full-time study and all admission offers are for Fall (deadline February 1) and Winter (deadline September 1) terms only. 

Program Policies

In addition to the Rackham Graduate School policies for doctoral students, as a doctoral student in ME, you need to know the requirements, timeline, and processes for Pre-candidacy years 1 and 2, the Qualifying Exam at the end of year 2, Proposal Exam, and eventually your Dissertation Defense. See the Path to Degree section below.

Also, an Annual Progress Report completed by you and your faculty advisor must be submitted for review to the ME Ph.D. Committee in May of each year. 

The ME Ph.D. Committee and your Faculty Advisor are the main resources for information and guidance throughout your program. The ME Committee is chaired by Dr. Dewey Jung, and includes Drs. Mathumai Kanapathipillai, Youngki Kim, and Yi Zhang. 


To help the student become an expert in the selected specific field of knowledge, a detailed personalized plan of study is developed at the beginning of the student’s Ph.D. studies. This must be submitted to the Ph.D. director for approval during the first term of registration.

In addition, the student must select one of the two research concentration areas corresponding to the major areas of expertise within the department:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Bioengineering

As described below, the coursework requirements are different for the two concentration areas. Interdisciplinary study plans are possible and encouraged, but the coursework must satisfy the requirements of at least one concentration area.

Each year the Plan of Study and student's progress is reviewed with the faculty advisor. 

Plan of Study

Program Contacts

Rebekah Awood

Graduate Programs Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering

Dewey Dohoy Jung

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

2000 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map
Phone: 313-593-5241
Fax: 313-593-9967