Over the 50 years of its existence, the Commission for Women (CFW) has helped form the character and diversity of the UM-Dearborn campus. Through our outreach activities, the CFW has extended links between UM-Dearborn and the metropolitan community. The CFW has also helped nurture and develop many women leaders who have enriched the quality of institutional life. The CFW is one of the longest standing campus organizations!
The CFW provides supplemental professional development funding for faculty and staff, support and collaboration on various campus initiatives, a speaker series, and developed the highly successful Susan B. Anthony Campus and Community Awards to honor women on campus and in the community
Mission Statement
The University of Michigan-Dearborn Commission for Women has the responsibility of providing an advocacy role in issues of concern to women employees of the campus.
The Commission for Women will work toward recognizing and promoting women's professional opportunities and toward providing opportunities for women's personal growth.
CFW Bylaws - Updated November 2022
Statement on Racism
The University of Michigan-Dearborn Commission for Women stands united with those engaged in the fight against racism in our society. As advocates for women employees on campus, the CFW has always looked for ways to recognize and promote opportunities for their personal growth. At this crossroads in history, we pledge to do all that we can not only for women but for all members of the campus community as we work together to support black lives. This must take place before we can state that all lives matter. We have reached a point where action is needed. Lofty promises and well-crafted words of apology can no longer serve as a topical way of addressing this scourge on society. We must work together to heal our world, learning from each other, and about our own identities in the process. It will not be an easy journey, but it is one that must be made.