EIC Evening Hike: Crepuscular Caper


Friday, May 24, 2024
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Environmental Interpretive Center (map)

Join EIC Naturalists for a casual walk in the Natural Area at twilight. Crepuscular is derived from the Latin word Crepusculum, meaning “twilight”. Crepuscular wildlife are animals that are mostly active at dawn and dusk! Dress for the weather.

*We will be taking a break from this program until the daylight hours become shorter again.

 Please register below for this program. 

Parking: Public Parking is located in the  Monteith Parking structure level 3. For first time visitors enter from the North Entrance and follow the yellow highlighted route. For a larger version, please refer to the Campus map.

EIC Campus Map- enter from North Entrance

Hosted by

Environmental Interpretive Center


Dale Browne

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