Certificate Program Tuition and Fee Schedule 2023-2024

Fall 2023 - Summer 2024

Approved: June 15, 2023

Assessments in the chart are for Certificate only students. Students who are in a degree program who are also seeking a Certificate must use the following Tuition & Fee Schedules:

College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL),
College of Business (COB), and
College of Education, Health, and Human Service (CEHHS):
Michigan ResidentNon-Resident
Undergraduate Assessments per term:  
Registration Assessment*$200.00$200.00
Full Time Block Tuition Assessment (12+)$7272.00$15480.00
Part Time Per Credit Hour Assessment (1-11)$606.00/cr$1290.00/cr


College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL) and College of Education, Health, and Human Service (CEHHS) per term:Michigan ResidentNon-Resident
Graduate Assessments per term:  
Registration Assessment*$200.00$200.00
Per Credit Hour Assessment 1-8$909.00$1640.00
Per Credit Hour Assessment 9+$506.00$960.00
College of Engineering and Computer Science
(CECS) per term:
Michigan ResidentNon-ResidentNon-Resident
In Online Program
Registration Assessment*$200.00$200.00$200.00
Undergraduate Assessments per term:   
Full Time Block Tuition Assessment (12+)$7272.00$15480.00$9096.00
Part Time Per Credit Hour Assessment (1-11)$606.00/cr$1290.00/cr$758.00/cr
Graduate Assessments per term:   
Per Credit Hour Assessment 1-8$970.00$1640.00$1136.00
Per Credit Hour Assessment 9+$506.00$960.00$632.00

Additional Assessments

  • 300-499 level courses in CASL and CEHHS are assessed an additional $26.00 per credit hour
  • 300-499 level courses in CECS are assessed an additional $125.00 per credit hour
  • 300-499 level courses in COB are assessed an additional $150.00 per credit hour
  • 500 level and above courses in CECS are assessed an additional $200.00 per credit hour
  • 500 level and above courses in COB are assessed an additional $200.00 per credit hour

CASL - College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
CECS – College of Engineering and Computer Science
CEHHS – College of Education, Health, and Human Services
COB – College of Business

*The Registration Assessment reflects costs related to administering certain student focused services not included in student tuition or course, lab, or program fees. Examples include counseling and career services, technology improvements, student organization/engagement activities, and student records management.

Graduate Assessments:

Please note that the reduced Per Credit Hour Assessment for credits 9+ is per semester. Credits beyond 1-8 for any individual semester will be assessed at the 9+ Per Credit Hour Assessment rate. It is not cumulative.