Dearborn Discovery Core Petition Process
DDC Student Petition Process
Approved May 31, 2016
When a unit advising office receives a student petition related to a DDC requirement, the office will route the petition to the Faculty Chair of the DDC Subcommittee on a rolling basis via email. The Chair will forward the petition to the Subcommittee, and Subcommittee members will electronically deliberate, and vote to approve or deny.
Fall and Winter semesters: The Faculty Chair of the DDC Subcommittee will collect petitions from the units over a one-week period and send any received petitions to the Subcommittee at the end of the week. The Subcommittee will have one week to deliberate and decide. The Faculty Chair will immediately inform the unit advising office and the student(s) of the Subcommittee's decision.
Summer semester: The Faculty Chair of the DDC Subcommittee will collect petitions from the units over a two-week period and send any received petitions to the Subcommittee at the end of that two-week window. The Subcommittee will have one week to deliberate and decide. The Faculty Chair will immediately inform the unit advising office and the student(s) of the Subcommittee's decision.