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Applied Art, Minor/Concentration

Learn How to Create Art in Hands-On Classes

Students review artwork in art labHave you always been interested in creating art but didn’t know how to get started? Our 15-credit minor or integrative studies concentration in applied art lets you try your hand at a variety of artistic disciplines, whether for your personal pleasure or as part of preparation for your career.

Applied Art students learn:

  • Processes of human artistic creation
  • Ethics of creation and copyright
  • Practical skills of analog and digital image creation for different contexts and uses
  • Understanding of color and line

After taking a prerequisite class in color, you’ll start the minor/concentration with a beginning class in painting, drawing, watercolor, digital design, or digital photography. You round out the program by choosing four upper-level courses from more than a dozen choices that cover topics like figure drawing, animation, scientific design, graphic design, storyboarding and creating the graphic novel, printmaking, and intermediate instruction in color, painting, drawing, watercolor, and digital photography.