Ford Collaboratory
The Ford Collaboratory was created through a generous $250,000 gift from the Ford Motor Company Fund. The Ford Collaboratory was designed to provide an innovation site for students, faculty and community partners to meet and work together on projects and partnerships. The Collaboratory features flexible and highly interactive furniture, as well as technology designed to foster collaboration. The space can be used for community-based projects and activities requiring small group work, technology-based interactions (e.g., video conferencing, webinars, and multi-media formats), classroom style presentations, and much more.
The Ford Collaboratory is also home to the staff of the Office of Community-Engaged Learning and its seasonal School of Social Work field placements and Rackham Graduate School fellows.
Located on the first floor of the Mardigian Library!
Current Events in the Ford Collaboratory
Criminology and Criminal Justice Collective: We are pleased to host the CCJC's Fall and Winter semester meetings in our space.
Past Events
Art and Agency from the Inside Out: A series of free artistic workshops exploring themes such as connection, hope, healing and joy, pursued in the face of incarceration and other forms of exclusion.
There were two sessions per month on the second and fourth Tuesdays.
WILL+ (Women in Learning and Leadership) held a discussion with Richard Griffin from American Friends Service Committee about Men and Feminism in the Ford Collaboratory.
- Math Circles: Professor Mike Dabkowski and other members of the Math Department hosted math activities and lunch in the Ford Collaboratory each week for University Prep high school students
Men & Feminism with WILL+
Join WILL+ (Women in Learning and Leadership) for a discussion with Richard Griffin from American Friends Service Committee about Men and Feminism in the Ford Collaboratory.
Ford Collaboratory Space Usage
Office of Community-Engaged Learning
4901 Evergreen Rd
Dearborn, MI 48128
View on Map