Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering

The ISE Ph.D. program provides educational opportunities to talented students to acquire the advanced knowledge needed to become creative researchers as well as technical leaders and technology innovators in industrial and systems engineering.

This Ph.D. program of the Rackham Graduate School of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is located, administered, and offered by UM-Dearborn. The program observes the standards for admissions, registration, degree requirements, awarding of degrees, and other administrative policies and regulations established by the Executive Board of the Rackham Graduate School. 

UM-Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science PhD student Mayuresh Savargaonkar shares his experiences with learning, teaching and research.

Program Details

The program is a full-time, research-based degree designed to address the growing needs of society for scientific and engineering professionals with advanced knowledge, technical skills, and abilities to conduct original and high-quality translational research in industrial and systems engineering.

Students are admitted for full-time study and all admission offers are for the Fall & Winter terms only. 

Program Policies

In addition to the Rackham Graduate School policies for doctoral students, as a doctoral student in IMSE, you need to know the requirements, timeline, and processes for Pre-candidacy years 1 and 2, the Qualifying Exam at the end of year 2, Proposal Exam, and eventually your Dissertation Defense. See the Path to Degree section below.

Also, an Annual Progress Report completed by you and your faculty advisor must be submitted for review to the IMSE Ph.D. Committee in May of each year. 

The IMSE Ph.D. Committee and your Faculty Advisor are the main resources for information and guidance throughout your program. The IMSE Committee is chaired by Dr. Yubao Chen and includes Drs. Jian Hu and Bochen Jia.


Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

2340 - Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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