Faculty Directory

Members of the CEHHS faculty hold terminal degrees from reputable institutions in the United States and other nations.

Our diverse faculty is well prepared, actively involved in numerous professional organizations, and regularly engaged in applied research and the discovery of new knowledge regarding the helping professions. Our strong core of lecturers and adjunct faculty members possess unique qualifications, enriching their instruction through their background and experiences in the areas of education, healthcare, and human services. Also, a well-qualified supporting staff serve students from both the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Stein Brunvand, Ph.D.

Associate Dean; Director, Graduate Programs; Professor, Educational Technology
Teaching Areas: Elementary Certification, Instructional Design, Instructional Technology, M.A. in Instructional Design and Learning Technologies, Secondary Certification
Research Areas: Educational Technology

Danielle DeFauw, Ph.D.

Department Chair
Teaching Areas: Elementary Certification, Reading, Writing
Research Areas: Literacy, Pedagogy, Pedagogy and Interventions, PreK-12 Education (Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary), Service Learning, Writing

Susan Everett, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean of Assessment and Accreditation; Professor of Science Education
Teaching Areas: Elementary Certification, M.S. in Science Education
Research Areas: Science Education, STEM Teaching and Learning

Lisa Martin, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Health and Human Services; Professor of Health and Human Services; Director of Women's and Gender Studies; Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
Teaching Areas: Health Policy Studies, Public Health, Reproductive Health, Women's & Gender Studies, Women's Health
Research Areas: Inequality/Disparity, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, Stigma, Women's Health

Finn Bell, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Human Services
Teaching Areas: Climate Justice, Community Based Evaluation, Environmental Studies, Food Sovereignty, Macro Social Work, Program Planning, Social Welfare Policy, Social Work, Social Work Theories & Practice
Research Areas: Climate Change & Health, Climate Justice, Community Based Research, Community Based Research, Community Development and Organization, Ecojustice Education, Food Policy, Food Sovereignty, Mutual Aid, Oral History, Research Methods

Brian Boggs, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Policy and Educational Leadership
Teaching Areas: M.A. in Educational Leadership, Education (Doctorate), Education Specialist
Research Areas: Education Policy, Educational Leadership, Law, Politics / Political Science, Urban Education

College of Education, Health, and Human Services

262 (2nd Floor) - Fairlane Center South
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126
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