At the undergraduate level, students may seek a bachelor's degree (AB or BS) leading to elementary certification (K-8) or a Bachelor of Arts in Children and Families. For students seeking certification at the secondary level (6-12), a planned sequence of professional coursework supplements a bachelor's degree earned from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL). At the graduate level, the department offers several master’s degree programs, an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) and a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.).
Students enrolled in teacher certification programs in Michigan are required to pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) that corresponds to the intended level of teaching certification and the types of specialty endorsements. The pass rates of all teacher preparation institutions across the state of Michigan on these tests are distributed by the state and publicly available. The “Annual Summary of State Results” provided here shows a three-year report on the numbers and percentages of students at University of Michigan-Dearborn who successfully pass the various tests.
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Class of Fall 2024: CEHHS graduate Jesse Whitman

Lecturer Rashid Faisal wants you to remember — and see yourself in — Cornelius Henderson

Class of Spring 2024: CEHHS graduate Weirong Huang
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Department Chair

Danielle DeFauw, Ph.D.
Department Chair of Education
Professor of Reading and Language Arts Education