CEHHS Faculty and Staff Resources
Resources are available for faculty and staff of the College of Education, Health, and Human Services. If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact the Dean's Office.
Faculty Resources
The College of Education, Health, and Human Services (CEHHS) has guidelines and procedures that govern the tenure and promotion process for the college. In addition, each department (see below) has their own individual P&T guidelines.
LEO Lecturer Resources
The College of Education, Health, and Human Services (CEHHS) has established the following criteria to review Lecturers II and IV who are interested in consideration for the title of Teaching Professor according to the LEO Agreement for 2024-2028, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING #4 TEACHING PROFESSOR. The MoU #4 will provide the overall guidelines for the Teaching Professor title.
The MoU #4 will provide the overall guidelines for the Teaching Professor title. [Page 183 of the LEO Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2024-2028]
Teaching Professor Review - Criteria
Lecturers II and IV in good standing who are currently at the level of Continuing Review or are scheduled for a Continuing Review may choose to be considered for the title of Teaching Professor.
The Lecturer will provide the following documentation for the Teaching Professor Review:
- Current CV
- Written reflective narrative statement and documentation to demonstrate proficiency and/or excellence in each of the following three areas:
- Growth and advancement of the Lecturer’s empirical, conceptual, and procedural knowledge relevant to the subject areas in which she/he provides instruction;
- What innovations has the individual made to their teaching method over the years?
- How is this growth demonstrated in their courses and syllabi?
- Do they demonstrate the ability for continued growth and innovation in their knowledge of their subject area?
- Evidence that the Lecturer has evaluated and improved methods of instruction and shown high teaching standards;
- How has the individual’s theoretical approach to pedagogy grown over the course of their time as an instructor?
- How has the individual’s practical application of the delivery of instruction evolved?
- Does the individual demonstrate that they are attentive to pedagogy and are able to express how they evaluate pedagogy in order to continue to improve?
- Inclusive Teaching: How has the Lecturer worked to incorporate into their instruction inclusive teaching methods and what work have they done in the instructional setting to advance the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mission of the University;
- How has the individual contributed to the overall teaching mission of the university?
- What steps have they taken to advance the university’s DEI mission?
- Can they demonstrate how this work has been incorporated into their instruction?
- Growth and advancement of the Lecturer’s empirical, conceptual, and procedural knowledge relevant to the subject areas in which she/he provides instruction;
- Additional support may be provided in the following areas if applicable:
- Demonstrated scholarly or creative work within their field and positioned themselves both internally and externally as having a heightened status within their field.
- Participation in activities or programs to advance the mission of the university, support their unit, or improve the culture of the learning environment
- Participation in curriculum development.
- Improvement, growth, or advancement in their administrative or service duties if such duties are a part of their appointment.
- Peer Review/Support: Provide one letter of support (not to exceed two pages) from a peer demonstrating that the Lecturer meets one or more of the selection criteria
Submission for Review
As stipulated by MoU #8, CEHHS Lecturers who are at the level of Continuing Review or are scheduled for a Continuing Review, will submit a written request of their intention to submit a portfolio for consideration of Teaching Professor to the appropriate CEHHS Departmental Administrative Assistant (DOE - Jonathan Larson: jonalars@umich.edu) (HHS - Shari Marshall: sharilm@umich.edu) within 5 days of being notified of their Continuing Review. The selected Lecturers will receive an Interfolio Template for Teaching Professor Review to upload the required materials.
The college's evaluation criteria are as follows:
- Lecturer reflection and response
- Course evaluations
- Syllabus and course materials
Types of Major Reviews: Continuing, 1st Major or 2nd Major
Winter 2025
Deadline to submit: February 1, 2025
Interfolio is being used by the campus for faculty and LEO Lecturer reviews so that we have a single location to store this information. This tool allows for the creation of customizable cases that can be sent out to individuals depending on what type of review is being conducted. The Interfolio case created for you has a series of sections, each of which asks you to upload the items required to complete your review submission. To assist you, we have created a brief tutorial. You will need to be logged into your UM-Dearborn Google account in order to access the tutorial.
Further instructions regarding your review and its submission to your case in Interfolio will be specified by your Department Chair in messages you will receive at your UM-Dearborn email address prior to the due date for your report.
Please be prepared to upload the required materials noted below.
Candidate Documents Required:
- Two-page CV
- Teaching Reflection
- Course Syllabi
- Course Tests and Assignments
- Course Final Grades
- Course Evaluations
- Teaching Observation, up to 1 optional
W2025 Annual Report
Deadline to submit: February 1, 2025
Interfolio is being used by the campus for faculty and LEO Lecturer reviews so that we have a single location to store this information. This tool allows for the creation of customizable cases that can be sent out to individuals depending on what type of review is being conducted. The Interfolio case created for you has a series of sections, each of which asks you to upload the items required to complete your review submission. To assist you, we have created a brief tutorial. You will need to be logged into your UM-Dearborn Google account in order to access the tutorial.
Further instructions regarding your annual report and its submission to your case in Interfolio will be specified by your Department Chair in messages you will receive at your UM-Dearborn email address prior to the due date for your report.
As a further condition of employment, you are expected to submit an annual activity report, which will be due February 1, 2025 and covers your teaching activity during the 2024 calendar year. The report will be due regardless of whether you are teaching during the winter 2025 term.
Please be prepared to upload the required materials noted below.
Candidate Documents Required
- Teaching Reflection
- Course Syllabi
- Course Tests and Assignments
- Course Final Grades
- Course Evaluations
*Evaluations of performance take into account evidence of responsiveness to recommendations offered in reviews of your reports and of your instruction.
*From the LEO contract, Article XIX: Performance Evaluation Section B. Annual Report #3 (pp. 110): "An Employee who fails to submit an annual report in a timely manner may, at the discretion of the academic unit, be denied the annual increase provided in Article XV.A.3.” Please refer to the LEO Contract for additional information.
CEHHS Workload Policy
All lecturers teaching at the University of Michigan are subject to the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement between The University of Michigan and the Lecturers’ Employee Organization, AFT Michigan Local 6244, AFL-CIO.
The standard teaching load for lecturers (of any rank) is four (4) three (3)-credit didactic courses in each of the fall and winter semesters for a 100% appointment. Following this model, each 3-credit course would carry a workload effort of 25% and each 4-credit course would be 33.33%. This workload includes but is not limited to teaching courses, course preparatory work, and holding office hours.
Office of Research: Campus Grants
Interfolio Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Interfolio is being used by the campus for faculty and LEO Lecturer reviews so that we have a single location to store this information. This tool allows for the creation of customizable cases that can be sent out to individuals depending on what type of review is being conducted.
The Interfolio case created for you has a series of sections, each of which asks you to upload the items required to complete your review submission. To assist you, we have created a brief tutorial. You will need to be logged into your UM-Dearborn Google account in order to access the tutorial.
Once you receive an email from Interfolio pertaining to your assigned case you MUST access the case link within 30 days or it is no longer valid.
You do not have to start submitting your documents, but you MUST at least open your case.
If you are struggling to log into Interfolio try using other web browsers such as though Firefox, Safari, Windows Edge, or Chrome.
- First try signing in with your UMICH email and level one password
- Or select "Sign in with Partner Institution." Start typing University of Michigan and a dropdown will appear.
Once you have uploaded all of your documents, you MUST click on "Submit" to actually complete the process. The "Submit" button over on the right hand side.
Once you have successfully submitted your case:
- You will receive a confirmation email directly from Interfolio
- Your case will move from "Unlocked" to "Locked"
Please contact your Department Admin for further assistance.
- Education: Jonathan Larson - jonalars@umich.edu
- Health and Human Services: Shari Marshall - sharilm@umich.edu