Committee Members
The Staff Recognition Committee coordinates the nominating process, recommends recipients for each award and arranges the awards ceremony.
Members and Unit/Department
Jackie Kortes, Office of the Chancellor, Chair
Michelle Barnes, Office of the Chancellor, Consultant
Jessica Calderson, Human Resources, HR Representative
Nicholas Capul, University Unions & Events, UUE Representative
Rachel Buzzeo, CASL, Co-chair
Sheryl Kubiak, Staff Senate Chair, Co-chair
Diane Siger, Alumni Engagement, Co-chair
Julie Faust, Enrollment Management/Student Services, Collaborator
Kari Kowalski, COB, Collaborator
Shari Marshall, CEHHS, Collaborator
Sherie Modelski, Information Technology, Collaborator
Kelsey Parker, Provost Office, Collaborator
Celia Robinson, Public Safety, Collaborator
Melisa Wilson, Enrollment Management, Collaborator
Bargained-for Individual, Vacant