The Office of Graduate Studies coordinates the graduate admissions process and supports strategic graduate enrollment and student success efforts at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Our office hours are 8AM-5PM, Monday-Friday. We are available by appointment on Wednesdays in the Strategic Enrollment Collaboratory (1055 AB).
Mailing Address
1055 Administration Bldg (AB), 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI 48128
Students can visit One Stop Student Services (1145 - James C. Renick University Center) for important questions related to registering for classes, bill/payment information, and financial aid. They also provide true copy services to conditionally admitted students with holds for final documentation.
Advising questions should be directed to our knowledgeable faculty and staff in your academic unit. They can assist with program information, course selection, registration overrides, and navigating your degree requirements.