Graduate Cost of Attendance

The financial aid budget is our estimate of your total educational and living expenses for the academic year. These define the total amount of aid we can offer. Below reflects an overall budget based on 8 credits graduate students take for Fall/Winter.

The Graduate Tuition Assessment Tool can provide students with a specific tuition estimate based on their intended enrollment.

College of Arts, Science, and Letters (CASL)
College of Education, Health, and Human Services (CEHHS)
College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS)
College of Business (COB)

Expense Type         CASL and CEHHS          CECS and COB
Direct CostsTuition$15,264$27,536$18,464$30,736
Standard Fees*$400$400$400$400
Indirect CostsLiving Expenses (Food and Housing)$11,241$11,241$11,241$11,241
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment$1,300$1,300$1,300$1,300
Personal and Miscellaneous Expenses$1,610$1,610$1,610$1,610
Cost of Attendance$31,977$44,249$35,177$47,449

*Loan fees are added to a student's budget if they accept Federal Direct Loans for the year.