
Congrats, UM-Dearborn Wolverines!

Thousands safely gathered on campus to celebrate the UM-Dearborn Class of 2020 and Spring Class of 2021 through 12 smaller ceremonies that took place April 29 through May 4....

CASL offers three new certificates for fall

The College of Arts, Sciences, & Letters introduces three new certificate programs that highlight diversity of thought in biochemistry, literature and language....

The Sights and Sounds of Spring

If you want to enjoy the sights and sounds of colorful songbirds, this is the week they stop at the Environmental Interpretive Center’s 300-acre Natural Areas to relax and fuel up before continuing on their migration journey north....

How a Detroit neighborhood is creating change one alley at a time

UM-Dearborn professors land a U-M Graham Sustainability Institute catalyst grant to work with Detroit residents on how overlooked alleys can be re-imagined to reflect local history and needs, while also addressing multiple sustainability goals....

Doing the Math: Research opportunity adds to campus

The eight-week mathematics research experience took place from May 24 to July 16. With pandemic restrictions easing, students, who initially met over Zoom, came to campus during the program’s final week....

Spiders in the house? Put that blowtorch away

Spiders are all over your home and in your yard. Associate Professor Anne Danielson-Francois, a renowned spider expert, says that’s a good thing. Hear her out....

‘There is so much beauty in nature that needs our protection’

Professor Ulrich Kamp is using 90 years of images to visually show how the glaciers in the Andes of Southern Peru are rapidly melting — and hopes seeing is believing. His research is one of nine faculty projects highlighted in CASL's Faculty Research Slam ...

UM-Dearborn budget prioritizes student aid, investments in workforce

Growth in student support is part of UM-Dearborn’s $165.4 million 2022-2023 general fund operating budget approved June 16 by the Board of Regents....

It’s Englishes, plural.

Linguistics Professor Daniel Davis’ latest Fulbright project is looking to tell untold chapters of English’s fascinating story in the Philippines....

Celebrating the Dearborn Wolverine Class of Fall 2021

UM-Dearborn hosted five ceremonies and conferred nearly 800 degrees over the weekend....