Interesting Facts
Our department is responsible for maintaining:
- 24 elevators
- 279 road, walk, and parking lot pole lights
- Over 3,000 individual pieces of electro mechanical equipment from pumps to chillers
- 5.7 miles of buried storm pipe
- 3.8 miles of buried water pipe
- 2.3 miles of buried sanitary pipe
- .80 miles of buried steam and condensate pipe (for heating)
- 2.1 miles of buried high voltage cable
Our campus currently consumes 31,848,000 cubic feet of water per year.
We currently use 24 million kWh of electricity per year, with a peak of 7 MW, enough to supply electricity to approximately 2,100 homes for a year. Based on current enrollment, each student consumed a total of 2,600 kWh of electricity.
Our campus currently consumes 173,785 MCF of natural gas per year, enough to heat approximately 2,000 homes for a year. Based on current enrollment, each student consumed a total of 18.9 MCF of natural gas.

The campus is comprised of 227 acres. The Grounds Department is responsible for maintaining:
- 167 acres of land
- 58 acres of turf grass
- 3.5 miles of roads
- 24 acres of parking lots
- 10.5 miles of sidewalks
- 264,678 square feet in the Monteith Parking Structure
- Repairing a fleet of 44 commercial vehicles and 16 off-road vehicles and various equipment
Between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023, there were 4,089 work orders issued/requested. Our campus currently has 32 buildings totaling 1.6 million square feet which we and our service partners maintain and clean daily.