Incoming First Year Undergraduates

Earn the Michigan degree at an affordable cost!

Year after year, the University of Michigan-Dearborn ranks among the lowest-cost public universities in Michigan, making it one of the best values in higher education in the state and across the nation.

Part of that affordability is our commitment to offering competitive financial aid based on rewarding academic excellence and the demonstrated need to ensure students can receive a valuable education and earn the Michigan degree at an affordable cost.

Step 1: Apply to the University of Michigan-Dearborn

  • Students should apply for admission to be considered for institutional aid.
  • First year scholarship offers are awarded automatically based on your cumulative high school GPA at the time of application. Some awards have additional requirements.

Step 2: Complete the FAFSA– Available by Dec 1, 2024 for 2025-26 Aid Year

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to be considered for financial aid.
  • UM-Dearborn’s school code is: 002326
  • All admitted students will be considered for need based grants upon receipt of a completed FAFSA.

*Initial financial aid offers are mailed to admitted first year undergraduates mid-February

Step 3: Continue your Scholarship Search with Other Options

  • The University of Michigan Dearborn Scholarship Application is available to students to build a profile for potential matches to private and endowed funds.
  • Check with outside organizations. Public and private organizations, state governments, and other organizations offer funds to college students. There may be additional requirements to apply.

2025-2026 Incoming First-Year Students Scholarship Chart

ScholarshipAnnual AwardTotal AwardRequirementsRenewal Criteria
Dean's Award$5,000$20,000>=4.00 GPA
  • Earn 24 credits each academic year (Fall/Winter)
  • 3.0 GPA
  • Renew for up to 8 semesters
Dearborn Scholars Award$4,000$16,0003.25-3.99 GPA
Distinction Scholarship$3,000$12,0003.00-3.24 GPA
Dearborn Gateway Award$2,000$8,0002.50-2.99 GPA
Scholarship*Annual AwardRequirementsRenewal Criteria

Go Blue Guarantee

First-year undergraduates

Covers full cost of Tuition and Fees at the in-state rate.

Applied after all federal, state, and institutional scholarships

3.5 GPA or greater

Complete FAFSA and have a total family income of $125,000 or less and assets below $125,000


  • Earn 24 credit hours each academic year (Fall/Winter)
  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must complete the FAFSA each year and maintain need criteria
  • Renewable for up to 8 semesters or completion of a Bachelor's degree (whichever comes first)
UM-Dearborn Difference Grant- First Year Undergraduates

Covers full cost of Tuition and Fees at the in-state rate.

Applied after all federal, state, and institutional scholarships

3.49 GPA or below

Complete FAFSA and have a total family income of $75,000 or less and assets below $50,000

High School Graduation Date: June 2023 or Later

  • Earn 24 credit hours each academic year (Fall/Winter)
  • Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must complete the FAFSA each year and maintain need criteria
  • Renewable for up to 8 semesters or completion of a Bachelor's degree (whichever comes first)
UM-Dearborn Grant


Award Prorated based on enrollment status

Receive if not eligible for the above awards

Complete FAFSA and have a total family income of $75,000 or less and assets below $50,000
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress**
  • Must complete the FAFSA each year and maintain need criteria

Important Information:

  • *Scholarships are based on the GPA at the time of admission.
  • **More information about Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Students are not eligible for these scholarships if tuition and fees are covered in full by other funds.
  • Enrollment in 12 credits or more is required per semester for the disbursement of funds for the Go Blue Guarantee and Dearborn Difference Awards.
  • Students are automatically considered for awards during the admission process, with no need for a separate application.
  • Classified as in-state resident. Changes in residency may result in changes in award eligibility.

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

1145 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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