
Welcome to UM-Dearborn!

Orientation is designed to guide you through your transition to UM-Dearborn. You’ll learn about the services and resources available to acclimate you to the campus community and help you succeed in your journey to earning the Michigan degree. To help ensure your success, completion of all steps in the process is required prior to registering for classes.

First-Year and Transfer Orientation

Orientation provides you with pertinent information to prepare you for the upcoming semester. The following steps must be completed in order for you to meet with an academic advisor and register for classes.

Welcome to the Michigan family! Go Blue - Go Dearborn!

For Students Starting in Summer 2025:

The following are required steps in the orientation process for students starting in Summer 2025 (Summer I begins May 5, Summer II begins June 30):

For Students Starting in Fall 2025:

The following are required steps in the orientation process for students starting in Fall 2025 (Fall semester classes begin on Wednesday, August 27).

Upon submitting your enrollment deposit and creating your uniqname, you will have access to your Orientation Portal which provides a personalized step-by-step checklist of your orientation steps. To access your portal and begin completing your steps, follow the link below, and log in using your uniqname and password:


If you have any questions about Orientation, please email the Orientation team at umd-orientation@umich.edu.

Technology Requirements

Participating in the virtual components of your orientation process, will require a computer or tablet with internet capabilities. If you don’t have access to these technology resources, let us know by emailing us at umd-orientation@umich.edu so we can make alternative arrangements for you.


1145 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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