Mathematics is perhaps the most precise of human languages.
With it, mathematical scientists have described and understood complex physical phenomena, supported the infrastructure of the internet era, optimized production in industrial processes, and cultivated the creativity of young minds. As a language, together with its axiomatic underpinnings, mathematics is also a much-explored structure in itself. In recent decades, the boundary between pure and applied mathematics has dissolved, and training in both is important for every mathematician. The 21st century, with its growing importance of big data and computation, offers many opportunities to mathematicians.
Mathematics Student Videos
Degrees, Minors, and Certificates
- Outline of detailed requirements for the Major in Mathematics.
- All students must complete the basic curriculum of MATH 115, 116, 215, 216 or 228, 227, and 300. MATH 300 was formerly classified as MATH 200 and is not required for the Mathematics/Computer Science dual degree.
- One of CCM 172 or CIS/CCM 150.
- You must also take 24 credits of approved courses numbered higher than MATH 300. For degree plans and course requirements, either contact the Math & Stat Undergraduate Advisor or consult the CASL Advising and Academic Success website.
- You must also take 6 credits in cognate courses (courses outside of Mathematics) that you select from a specified list of courses in subjects like Statistics, Physics, Computer & Information Science, Computer & Computational Mathematics, Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, or Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Visit the CASL Advising and Academic Success office or speak to the Math & Stat advisor for specific courses.
The Accelerated Masters Studies Option (4+1 Option) in Mathematics and Applied and Computational Mathematics (MATH-ACM) is designed to allow motivated students to earn both a B.S. or B.A. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematics with one additional year of coursework. This is achieved by a double-counting allowance of up to 15 credits or five graduate level (500-level or above) courses. One additional year of graduate work (15 credits) would be needed to complete the Master's program enabling students to earn two degrees in a total of five years.
This program will be available for students to enroll in beginning Fall 2020.
- A minor in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters consists of four upper-level courses (12 hours approved courses numbered MATH 300 or higher) for the major in a given discipline. A student must also fulfill all prerequisite courses for the elected upper-level courses. Math Education courses for teachers do not count for the Mathematics minor.
- You must have at least a 2.0 grade point average for the 12 hours of upper-division Mathematics courses.
- There are restrictions on how many transfer credits, internships, or “S/E” courses can be used to fulfill the 12 credit requirement. (consult the CASL Advising and Academic Success website or speak to Math & Stat advisor for specifics)
- Minors are NOT automatically granted. You must petition for recognition of a minor upon completion of the required coursework. Petition forms are available at the CASL Advising office.
The courses in Computer and Computational Mathematics (CCM) develop skills in applying mathematical algorithms and scientific computing in real world situations. The minor consists of 12 hours of upper-level credit in courses specifically selected as CCM courses.
Note: CCM courses are cross-listed with MATH or CIS courses. To earn the CCM minor, students have to enroll in the CCM versions of the courses.
The Mathematics for Finance Certificate provides students, with a strong mathematical background, the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge to apply mathematics in solving problems arising in economics, finance and risk management.
The Mathematics Education Team in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics supports K-12 mathematics learning of preservice teachers who are interested in earning elementary or secondary teaching certification. Students interested in elementary education should refer to the Elementary School Certification program from CEHHS. For Secondary Certification, please refer to the Secondary School Certification program.
The Mathematics Education content courses are designed to support teachers in understanding deeply the mathematics they need for teaching. An inquiry format is used with course activities that
• center on challenging problems around significant mathematics
• are solved by students independently or collaboratively
• use language, representations, logic, symbols, and previously established meanings and concepts
• are shared publicly
• are mined for their mathematical concepts, processes, and relationships.
Many of the course materials are adaptations of school- based curricula, problems developed for research, and tasks inspired by the thinking of former students.
In Mathematics Education methods courses future teachers focus on the mathematics in a task, the student thinking that might arise including misconceptions, responses to support student reasoning, and assessment to gauge student learning.
Future elementary and secondary teachers majoring or minoring in mathematics are encouraged to see Dr. Krebs to help with course selection and sequence.
General Program Information
- Bachelor of Arts/Science - Major/Minor/Concentration
- Applied and Computational Mathematics 4+1 Option
- Mathematics Three-Year Course Cycle
- Internship and research opportunities available
- Scholarships available
Student Clubs and Organizations
Mathematics students may also join other clubs and organizations across CASL or campus.
Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc (PME), is the National Mathematics Honor Society. Founded on May 25, 1914 at Syracuse University, PME currently has over 300 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States. The purpose of the Society is to promote scholarly activity in mathematics among the students in academic institutions.
Open to all Math students, this is a great way to become more involved in activities with other students who are also interested in Mathematics. For events, check the department events list or look for flyers around the department. Math majors automatically receive email notification of events.
You can refer to our their page on VictorsLink or reach out to them directly at [email protected] for more information.
Faculty Contact: Prof. Mike Dabkowski
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
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