Begin your Health Professions journey here whether you are a first year student or a transfer student.

While at UM-Dearborn, learn about: your health professions area of interest, the advising curriculum (courses) to help you prepare, and how to develop your clinical and professional skills needed to help your fellow humans and animals as a future health care provider.
At UM-Dearborn, you will obtain a strong liberal arts and science education to prepare you for any of the competitive health professions (HP) graduate programs (HPA Curriculum & FAQs). Be part of mentoring, professional schools visits, clinical research or pre-health professions student groups while you are on your pre-HP track (HPA Programs).
Begin your Health Professions journey here whether you are a first year student or a transfer student.
to learn about health professions advising curriculum and programs.
Learn what it means to be on a Health Professions Track.
As an HPA student you will be added to a special email list. You will also have access to a private Google Classroom with resources and topics on health professions.
Search Victors Link for Health Professions Clubs by selecting the Health Professions category.
Meet with an HPA team member once a semester.
like the Health Profession Schools Information Fair
to prepare your personal statement. And don't forget to apply!