Graduation and Commencement

At UM-Dearborn, graduation is a milestone achievement and we commend our past alumni and future graduates. Graduation and Commencement are often referenced in the same context; however, there are some distinct differences between graduation and commencement.

Graduation refers to the successful completion of all degree requirements and the official conferral of a particular degree.  Students must apply to graduate by filling out a Graduation Application. For more information, please visit the section on applying to graduate.

Commencement is a formal ceremony recognizing and celebrating the achievements and completion of the degree requirements. The University of Michigan-Dearborn holds a commencement ceremony in December and April/May. All degree candidates and recipients are eligible to participate in a commencement ceremony. Attendance at the commencement ceremony does not confirm a student’s graduation. Please visit the Commencement section for eligibility and details regarding the ceremony.

Graduation and Commencement Links

August Degree Candidates and Recipients

Students graduating in August are eligible to participate in either the April/May or December ceremony and must complete the Commencement Participation Request for August Candidate Form.  

Apply to Graduate
