Program Guidelines
Faculty members apply to SURE with a research project proposal. Faculty can apply with a student in mind or be matched with a student at a later time. Students who are interested in participating should connect with a faculty member doing research or email for support.
The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program aims to grow and enhance the undergraduate research experience for UM-Dearborn students. The SURE program accomplishes this through faculty mentorship and training while students participate in a faculty member’s research or scholarly project. As part of their training, students are required to attend a series of professional development sessions covering topics such as responsible conduct in research, using library research resources, creating an elevator pitch, translating experiences in your resume, and successful presentation techniques.
Important dates:
- Faculty application submission deadline: applications closed on January 24, 2025
If you are a current UM-Dearborn undergraduate student (who will graduate December 2025 or later and have not participated in SURE before) interested in participating, please contact a faculty member in your discipline who is conducting research or contact with your research interests and we will see if we can help match you.
The primary role of the faculty members is mentoring undergraduate students. Although the program aims to support the research agenda of the individual faculty members, the program primarily focuses on student experience and training future researchers. Faculty members are expected to design a research experience for students that address the following points.
- Design and oversee a research project that is compatible with the student's background and interests.
- Exposure to the general research area and methods of the discipline.
- Introduction to various venues to present and publish.
Faculty mentors are expected to participate in the following:
- Attend the SURE faculty mentor orientation in late April/early May.
- Attend (with the student researcher) the SURE kickoff meeting in May.
- Provide feedback on the design and expectations of the program.
- Attend the SURE Showcase in September.
- Complete a reflection survey at the end of the program.
- Work with the students to complete student expectations.
Student Participant Requirements:
- Current UM-Dearborn undergraduate student who will graduate December 2025 or after who has not participated in a SURE program previously.
- Attend the SURE kickoff meeting in May.
- Participate in 4 of several student professional development sessions on various topics offered throughout the summer
- Present at the SURE Showcase in September.
- Complete two surveys (one in May and one in September).
- SURE 2025 applications are closed January 24, 2025.
- Incomplete applications will be returned during the administrative review; they can be corrected if time allows but must be resubmitted by the stated deadline.
- The applicant must be a tenure-track faculty member at UM-Dearborn.
- Students who are interested in participating need to be current undergraduate UM-Dearborn students who will graduate December 2025 or later and have not participated in a previous SURE program.
- Application Limit - one application (with a single undergraduate researcher) per eligible faculty member will be accepted.
- All reports from the applicant’s previous Dearborn Campus Grants must be current.
- The faculty mentor and student researcher will design a schedule to work on the project between May and August 2025.
- Experience Plus will manage the administration of the students' stipends.
- Funds provide a stipend to an undergraduate student as a summer research fellow. The student will be paid $3,200 in four installments.*
- Additional project expenses are the responsibility of the faculty member. For funding for supplies, please see the campus Faculty Research Mini Grant.
*For stipends and other funds not tied to employment (e.g., stipends received as part of participating in SURE), the university does not report the stipend on a federal or state form and does not withhold any taxes. This does NOT relieve the recipient from the obligation of reporting these amounts on his/her individual income tax returns and paying the tax liability on the taxable portion of the stipend.
The following sections are required:
- Lay abstract - A brief summary of your research project written for members of the public rather than researchers or professionals. It should be written in plain English, avoid the use of jargon or acronyms and include an explanation of any technical terms.
- Expected contribution/role the student will have on the proposed project.
- An outline of how you will mentor this student, including engagement, training on the research project, and career planning.
- The impact the learning and overall professional growth of your student mentee (e.g., educational value, bridge to graduate or career goals, etc.).
- Brief description of the student candidate or potential student profile.
- Projects including work with human subjects (e.g., surveys, interviews, data collection, etc.) require approval from the University of Michigan Institutional Review Board (IRB) before work can begin. For more information see the Human Subjects Compliance page.
- Projects including work with vertebrate animals will need approval from the University of Michigan's Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) before work can begin. For more information see the Animal Care & Use Program (ACUP) page.
- Proof of IRB/IACUC approval is required prior to release of funds.
Applications will be evaluated based upon the following:
- What are the merit and quality of the proposed work and expected outcomes or products?
- Does the proposed work fit the intended purpose, guidelines, and program requirements?
- How essential is the student to furthering the project?
- Is the student contribution made clear in the application?
- Does the faculty researcher have a mentoring plan or clear and specific goals for the mentoring?
- Participation in the professional development series as well as the Summer Undergraduate Research Program Fall Showcase are required
- Faculty and student participants will be required to complete assessment surveys in the process of the program.
- Future funding by the UM-Dearborn Campus Grants program is contingent upon fulfilling the program reporting requirements.